Hill Haven Farms
Well-Known Member
My niece and nephew live in "suburbia" and don't get to experience life on the farm on a daily basis. It was my sister-in-laws b-day and my brother took her out to dinner so my mom brought the kids over to Aunt Christine and Uncle Dale's (our house) for the afternoon and evening. They wanted to cook hotdogs on sticks and make smores... as well as go for a ride on the mower with the wagon, feed horses and play like kids should play. They were filthy and loved every minute of it! I have attached some pics below of our outting!
My niece Avery on Uncle Dale's mower
My nephew Bryce with my mom aka Mee-Maw
My niece Avery on Uncle Dale's mower

My nephew Bryce with my mom aka Mee-Maw