Angel, maiden mare's highly anticipated pregnancy!

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o.k just don't get cold. Ask hubby to make you a hot cup of tea or chocolate
Thank you Cassie she is beautiful though I'm not quite sure what color she is- maybe bay? No white that I can see and she has pink rimmed eyes that have a tint of blue to them. She also had a black stripe down her back like a dorsal stripe. Mom is palomino and dad is bay Tobiano




Thank you Renee, it's a little hard being that the baby has my heater but I'm surviving
. Hubby is fast asleep but ill let him know when he wakes up

Summertime, thank you so much I'm so in love with her already!

Thank you Jessie!
I am rubbish at colous but it looks to me like she has the cream gene going on there. She is just gorgeous

I flipped the pics for you.

angels baby.1.jpgangels baby.jpg
Almost a 30% chance of either Buckskin or Bay, 16.6% chance of either palomino or chestnut/sorrel, or a 4.2% Smokey Black or Black. Hard to tell in this light, but I'm thinking she's going to be a buckskin -- a color like the inside of her ears, and this darker fluff is just a "smutty" baby color for natural protection! We can tell more once we see her in the daylight!

Looking good, and I love the new pictures!!
Oh those pictures are gorgeous, they both look soooooooooooo comfortable, and Angel looks very happy with her new daughter - how's Angel doing now, a little more comfortable in herself I hope?
Thank you Renee I think she is too

Diane, I'm leaning toward buckskin as well (I'm really hoping so!) she is perfect any which way
. I will get new pictures once its warm enough to unwrap her

Thanks for everything ladies I finally just came inside as I'm freezing and couldn't take it any longer, but she has two blankets, two heat lamps and mama so she should be fine and my niece is going to watch over them so I can sleep for a few hours.
Just catching up with everyone's thread and a big congratulations to you!!! What a beautiful baby! Love her little jammies.
Congratulations, Paula! I'm excited for you and so happy you got a healthy filly!! She does kind of look like a buckskin. I'll be anxious to see more pictures of her. Nice blankets for her too!
Auntie Diane still says buckskin -- that beautiful soft color of the inside of her ears! She's such a pretty little girl!!

Did you spoil her today?
oh my isn't she adorable! now don't you get sick staying outside playing with her all the time Paula lol she is beautiful!

I have no idea on the colour but Diane is our resident colour expert so I'd be saying she will be buckskin
love her stunning little head! beautiful little baby!
Hi ladies,

Awesome! I was so hoping for a buckskin or buckskin Tobiano filly! Angel is so amazing! Yep she got outside the trailer today and we played with her and mama and she ran and played and said hi to the other horses she is just so cute! I have lots of pics for later. Can videos be uploaded here?

Thanks to everyone!
yeah they can the easiest way to do it is to upload it to photobucket then send it across as an image link or just send us the link
you could also email the video to me if its easier and I can do it for you? my email is

can't wait to see the little pics and videos! so cute!

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