Thank you all for your feedback.
Marty, I had feelings that the chestnut wasn't connected to Sonny. I thought he was Sonny at first as Sonny was the only full sized horse picture that had been posted. I have yet to be able to clear the negative fog associated with that horse, and still have no clue who it is. There is especially a block with horses right now. It is indeed "Broadcast Interference." Thank-you.
Sonya-Brutus: I got that he and Radar are tons of trouble. The two readings were sort-of interconnected as I got they're such good buddies. I had to laugh as I can just imagine the comedy these two provide. Radar gets him in "trouble." Brutus is always the one who looks guilty, but radar is the one who does it. Also that you know Brutus doesn't do it. Radar is the boss and he follows. And that Brutus thinks Radar is the dog equivlant of a sociopath

, just because he seems to like getting Brutus in "trouble" with no remorse, as well as being able to charm the pants off of anyone.
Radar: I got that he is trouble with a capital "T." Although he's a bit hard to read with the darkened eyes. Is the instigator, gets the "big dumb one" (his words, not mine
: ) to do all the dirty work and get in trouble. I also got that he's a silly little dog, and very smart. He is always up to something. He likes bacon and playing fetch, but doesn't always bring the toy back.
Kim-Bunanza: I'm just picking up on him at shows, probably as that is what the picture is. I got that he's very sweet, and he's "on" 24/7, showing off. Very thesbian-like. Sort of like if he could scream "TA-DA!!" everytime he entered somewhere, he would. He's a bit snorty, and likes to act spooky and snorty during halter to show off, it's part of his "act." He can get a bit confused sometimes, and he has a very obvious confused face. That when he is confused, he just sort of stands there like, "What?." He likes to bang his buckets on the stall. Loves to show, and get out and see everyone. Likes to get dressed up in his "show clothes" for the trailer ride. He likes to whinny when he get at a show to announce he's there.
Reble-Delta Rae: I still wasn't able to get a clear reading on him. I still got that he is a little sad, and that maybe he lost someone, his foal that he was very attached to? He's very sweet but just a little burned out. Would maybe like to do something "fun" like play with kids, drive or jump? I also got 4-H would be fun for him, but I don't even know if you have that in Canada, and I know stallions can't be in it. I got that he's thirteen?
stormy-Grace: I got a very stallionish personality from her. Very dominant. She's never had a foal, or she was a bad mother and didn't consider it her foal? She's very pushy? Also that you haven't had her long, she was given to you or a rescue or something. She has no sense of others' space, and is extremely dominant with both humans and horses. Could/can get very nasty, and wants nothing to do with humans?
Hope: She wouldn't talk to me, sort of like "What do you want?" I just got a picture of her rolling her eyes and walking away.
Charlene-Maggie: I got that she's supersweet, and a real people pleaser. She's a little bit older? Maybe not quite as sharp as a tack, but trys soo hard and that makes up for it? Also that she likes to play.
Simon: I got that he is a little more serious than Maggie. The two are like ying and yang, they really balance each other out. The two have been together a long time? That he is a bit like her big brother, and patiently helps her.