Well-Known Member
Dog on left, "S"- Male? Around two? I think is a female from the picture, but I can't tell, although I get a very young male type personality. Very happy to please, and just very happy in general? Likes to do things in water? As well as something about pine trees?
Dog on your left is female, 2 1/2. Doesn't care much for water. Not sure about the pine trees.
Dog on right, "AC"- Female? Around four or five? Are these two dogs connected in some way? I get a very motherly feeling from her towards the other dog. Does she have puppies right now? Nine? Is there a special female puppy you're keeping, maybe one with an odd white spot, maybe on her back?
Dog on right is a male, nearing 2. He does love Callie, the other dog. And...she does have pups right now...10! Pretty good. Yes, we are keeping a female and yes she has a white spot on her back! Wowzers!
Horse, "CP"- Stallion? Does he always have to know everything that goes on? Very friendly and always comes up to you in the pasture? I got something about maple syrup, and someone in a fuzzy red sweater?
Teddy is a stallion. He is very inquisitive and very friendly and does come right up to me in the paddock. Not sure about the maple syrup or the red sweater but that could be from his previous owner.
German Shepard- Female? She seems like a very elegant dog. A bit hesitant to talk to me, isn't one to open up right away? Very loyal? Something about a white GSD, or a big longhaired white dog? Maybe she was bred to one?
Riis is an eight year old female. She is very elegant and loyal and protective. Very good. Don't know about the white dog. Hmmm.
Pretty good readings. Thanks so much for doing them. I think you've got a talent there
Dog on left, "S"- Male? Around two? I think is a female from the picture, but I can't tell, although I get a very young male type personality. Very happy to please, and just very happy in general? Likes to do things in water? As well as something about pine trees?
Dog on your left is female, 2 1/2. Doesn't care much for water. Not sure about the pine trees.
Dog on right, "AC"- Female? Around four or five? Are these two dogs connected in some way? I get a very motherly feeling from her towards the other dog. Does she have puppies right now? Nine? Is there a special female puppy you're keeping, maybe one with an odd white spot, maybe on her back?
Dog on right is a male, nearing 2. He does love Callie, the other dog. And...she does have pups right now...10! Pretty good. Yes, we are keeping a female and yes she has a white spot on her back! Wowzers!
Horse, "CP"- Stallion? Does he always have to know everything that goes on? Very friendly and always comes up to you in the pasture? I got something about maple syrup, and someone in a fuzzy red sweater?
Teddy is a stallion. He is very inquisitive and very friendly and does come right up to me in the paddock. Not sure about the maple syrup or the red sweater but that could be from his previous owner.
German Shepard- Female? She seems like a very elegant dog. A bit hesitant to talk to me, isn't one to open up right away? Very loyal? Something about a white GSD, or a big longhaired white dog? Maybe she was bred to one?
Riis is an eight year old female. She is very elegant and loyal and protective. Very good. Don't know about the white dog. Hmmm.
Pretty good readings. Thanks so much for doing them. I think you've got a talent there