Interestingly enough, McCain has no experience being president either!
To me that makes them pretty even.
Cathy_H said:
Obama has demonstrated the kind of calm, patient, intellectual, steady approach to problem-solving that I think we need in this country
Evidently Powell has not heard Obama say "we're going to change the world".
How is Obama going to change the world in 4 years? To make such a huge change in such a short period of time you have to take immediate & drastic measures!
Steady approach to problem solving
- NOT in 4 short years!
So what is any candidate supposed to do then? Nothing? Not even try? After all, they're only in there four short years!
Let's just keep going the way we have been. It's not like Bush did any damage in his two terms.
Cathy_H said:
The only reason that people don't 'know' Obama is that they've chosen not to do their research, but rely instead on forwarded e-mails and fear.
. Actually I just delete MOST of those AND I have done research -lots of it! The reason that people don't "know" Obama is because we don't trust him based on previous events, etc.
Wait, you mean based on...experience?
LowriseMinis said:
And I'm going to go off on a bit of a tangent here, because I'm tired and hopped up on cold medicine (Thank you, flu bug) and annoyed.
I am SICK of people saying Muslim as though it's a bad thing or an insult. Obama is not a Muslim, but SO WHAT IF HE WAS? What is wrong with enjoying your VERY AMERICAN RIGHT to freedom of religion? Are we at war with Muslims? If so, why are we wasting so much time and money overseas when we have plenty of Muslims posing such a clear and present danger right here on our own soil?
Furthermore, I'm sick of seeing 'liberal' used as if it's a dirty word. The same with intellectual. I know not everyone agrees with liberals, but I wasn't aware it was such a horrible thing to be an INTELLECTUAL. I want anyone in office to be MUCH more intelligent than the average American.
I'm so glad someone said it. People freaked out that Kennedy was Catholic too...and at least he actually WAS! *LOL*
I think one of the saddest statements on current American culture is those McDonald's commericials about how McDonald's iced lattes free the individual from their "pretensions" of "snobby intellectualism" so they could go back to gossip magazines and reality TV. I know it's satirical, but it's the fact that it makes people laugh and want to buy the product that worries me so much!
How is it
attractive to dumb people down?? And we actually find that
desirable?! Yes, instead of giving everyone an opportunity to educate themselves and admiring those who do so, let's make us all equal by dumbing everyone down!
We could burn some books while we're at it.
Wait a minute.
Sorry, I think that tangent must be contagious!
Done now.