Announcing the 2nd annual L'il Beginnings

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Nov 30, 2002
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It's time for...


We're looking for Edward Clipperhands

Have you ever wanted to give your stallion a poodle cut?

Does your mini have an alter ego? A hidden personality?

Is your precious darling really a punk rocker? A biker?

Does your little horsey bear an uncanny resemblence to Tina Turner or Rod Stewart?

Have you ever been tempted to connect the dots on your appy?

Are you curious how your pinto would look with a bi-level shag? (Clip the white, leave the color long?)

Does the color difference before and after clipping suggest a checkerboard cut? Polka dots? Zebra stripes?

It doesn't have to last any long than it takes to snap a photo -- then you can finish clipping and deny that it ever happened, but here's your chance to make susanne and a few others feel just a bit better about the chop jobs they have forced upon their unsuspecting horses. You already clipped? blew it! Oh well, you can still laugh at your friends' horses!

So dust off those Double-Ks...warm up those Wahls...oil up the Osters...let's see what you can do with those blades.

We're starting now to include those whose warm climate (darn you anyway...) allows them to clip early, but we'll accept entries through:

Deadline: Friday, June 30

Rules: None...we're easy. Want to make your Great Pyrenees look like a Terrier? Want to give your persian cat a mohawk? Be our guest! Want to mow crop circles in your living room carpet? To each their own! (Husbands and children...look out!)

Judges: Daryl and susanne ( was our idea!) These judges were selected for a totally unbiased approach (we're entering, too) and our willingness to accept bribes.

Prizes: Winner gets the unequaled thrill of letting everyone laugh at you and yours! We realize that such ego gratification is of far greater value than the enormous cash prize we had originally planned...

So, let's get going...and remember: we're not laughing with you...we're laughing at you!!
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I'm going to clip Timmy up as a JUVENILLE DELIQUENT!!!!!! :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

I can't wait Susanne but gee whiz it's very cold up here still.

We're going to try.

FUN FUN FUN!!!!!!!!!!
Susanne, just one problem...I know it sounds rediculous, BUT, June 4 might be too early for some people, believe it or not! Last year we had horribly cold temps well into June. I thought at least the end of June would work better for all??
Hehe, my entry will probably get better as time goes on and it gets warmer... but for now here is the love of my life, Lowes Dealer.





Susanne, just one problem...I know it sounds rediculous, BUT, June 4 might be too early for some people, believe it or not! Last year we had horribly cold temps well into June. I thought at least the end of June would work better for all??
From a fellow Ontario-ite THANKS for the reprieve!!! :bgrin
Oh goodie !!!! I had so much fun last year that I've been scheming all winter to think of some fun ideas. I think I may just have one or two you guys will like :bgrin I was hoping we'd do this again. Now I just have to wait for warm weather!
Well, I may have to give this a try this year, although, it'll be a month and a half at least before I can clip. That should give me enough time to think of something. :aktion033:
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Everyone was sooo good last year!!

I have very large clippers which would be hard to do some of the fancy clips I saw last year. have a contest for the "most hairy human after clipping a mini"! :new_shocked: Then I might be in the top 10. :new_rofl:

Will look forward to all those interesting and cute clip jobs!

Here's mine for the year (unless I get bored and decide to torture one of my others) :bgrin
Uh Oh, Carl and Shortcake have the fever! They are talking behind my back so no telling what they'll come up with.. :bgrin might be fun

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