Another computer/printer problem oh nuts!

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Last night I loaded two other cards programs to check out their clip art.

That's when my present card program Microsoft Publishing Platnum decided to go haywire. When I would try to bring my saved card up to the project workspace, It would freeze up on me sometimes, and refuse to print out my cards. So figuring out there was a conflict, I quickly removed/uninstalled those two programs.

I am still having that problem though. And oh, sometimes it says I am performing and illegal function and shuts me down now too. Not every time, just a couple of times.

The printer is fine and working correctly from all other places, just not in that program now. It is all still freezing up on me. Seems I have a Grinch or something.

Any ideas?

I really don't want to re-load anything because I will loose my work and all my other saved projects. So please don't tell me I have to do that. I can't loose all my stuff in there.

And if that gal down below here doesn't quit that Christmas countdown soon, she's going to give me a heart attack!
Marty, when you reinstalled it the last time, did you have your "virus protection" program running? You should trun it "OFF" when installing programs especially Microsoft Picture It. I had a similar problem with Digital Image Suite. Uninstalled turned off virus protection, reinstalled, works fine now. That's what worked for me.

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