Another Goji juice story

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2003
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Does anyone want to hear another goji juice story? I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in October of 2006. This is a chronic, uncurable disease of the large intestine. (OK, it is curable, you remove the large intestine, but then you need a bag or a J pouch for bodily functions.) This disease, for those that do not know, keeps you pretty much tied to the bathroom. The bowel no longer absorbs nutrients, everything washes right through you. Well, I started Goji juice in November. It has been over six weeks, and boy, what a differance! I have energy to clean and have fun! I have been able to maintain my weight and best of all, have been able to leave the bathroom!

Thanks Lynne for sharing this stuff!
Wow! Congratulations! I keep hoping for results like that! I have been on it for two months now and none of my problems have eased up any. I will keep at it for a bit before giving it up.

I know quite a few folks that swear by the stuff!

Hey Barb, great to see you. Been wondering where you've been. I had your Christmas blanket out all during the holidays on display in the living room and got a million compliments on it.

I had no idea that you had gotten sick. I'm so sorry to hear what you've been through and glad you found something to give you some relief.

How's Muck and the kids????????
FairytailGlennMinis, it took over a month for me to see some results, plus I upped what I was drinking to 3 oz. twice a day. (I actually do not like the taste of it, but can down three ounces quick enough!).

Marty, I am glad you got to enjoy the blanket. I am feeling so much better, even started sewing again! The kids are great, going stir crazy with all this ice, school was canceled today for my son. But, we are so low on water I will take the ice! My daughter is doing great, she will be 4 years old tomorrow!
Barb, when you shared that with me last night, I was so happy for you... from 10 times a day to three to visit the bathroom, what freedom! Dr Mindell did so much for us besides writing the Vitamin Bible when he created our Himalayan Goji Juice! Took him 8 years to perfect it but soooooo worth it. I still get better and better vision, Thank God for sure! My friend Kathie got off all her hormone replacement and she is extatic. My Aunt Lewella is now using it because she has bone cancer. She is going for another scan in a month and we are praying for great results for her as well.

Hey Janine...... how are you doing?

Well, I am glad this stuff is helping most of you, but personally, I am getting so very tired of these posts here! This stuff is NOT a "cure-all" nor a "miracle" drink as many are lead to believe! I have bit my tongue long enough over these posts...these posts seem little more to me than a sales pitch! Yes, that's right,. I am a non-believer!
Another believer here, helping with blood pressure.

Mona, if you don't like these posts, just don't look! After all, it had the name in the title!!

Please keep posting your, it's not a miracle drug, or it probably won't help everyone, but, please, if it helps just 1 person it's worth it to post here. Hopefully we won't have to go somewhere else to be able to talk about this!!

Mona, sorry you feel that way. We dont say the juice cures.... the juice doesnt cure anything it only helps the body do what it needs to do. There have not been any Goji threads here is a while ..... we are being careful about that but when something happens so significantly like it did for Barbara....why shouldnt we be able to share that here. I dont need the forum people to buy juice from me.... I have many many customers not associated with this forum. This is where my friends are and horse people that I care about and thats why we share here. I dont "sell" here or on the sale board. I never talk about buying it or price or anything, only we are sharing why we are feeling good. Everyone has a right to believe or not believe.... But I think we should also have a right to say that we are feeling good. IF you dont want to read the thread then dont. Barb put right in the title Goji so those not interested in reading it shouldnt.

Just my opinion also.

Those who never try it can always say they dont believe....... but have nothing to base that opinion on.

I am very sorry I agree with lyn and horsefeather ...I also am a strong believer in goji ..My dad is 79 with parkinsons and has been drinking goji since november and the doctors have taken him off all his presciption meds ...And i also was very sceptical but after him being on siniment for parkinsons for almost 6 months with very little results ....

Lyn gifted him goji and he has improved ever since he also had renial(kidney failure)And as of last dr appt Dec 26th has normal kidney function.....I only state facts that i have seen with my own eyes ...It may not be a cure or a miracle but for my dad and my family has been a god sent....I would rather have my dad healthy for the last days ,months ,or years than sit and watch him suffer the way he was before goji..My dad had even lost his speech and can now talk again and function in everyday life normally...That has brought great joy to my family...Please remember everyone has an opinion and as for the posts I have read about goji noone is soliciting it just sharing good news with thier forum family and friends ..

I thought the back porch was a gathering place for friends to share horse related and non horse related topics ...Would'nt you be proud to announce that you can actually hold a conversation with your ailing family member after not being able to speak and hold a conversation for months ...Why discredit me for something that i believe in just because i believe dose not mean you have too...
Good news - glad it helped you.......................... I've been checking out MonaVie lately. I was given a bottle to try but it is too expensive for me to take. Main ingreidant is the acai berry from the Amazon. It has 19 fruits in it.
I thinnk now days we dont give the fruits and botanicals the credit that they deserve as far as healing.... also the foods that we eat have been stripped of the nutrients they once had. Our soils that we grow things in are depleted of the rich nutrients we need. I think of Goji as a taste of what the Garden of Eded must have been like... Pure and healthy and for man to eat and stay well. These berries are grown in nutrient dense soil in an environment free from toxins and we get the most we can from them now.

Thank God for them!

I am proud to be able to talk about Gojo juice... We just started it and are upping our dose. Even if it doesn't help everyone, One person is enough in my book. I don't think there is nothing wrong with this post. It is in the title like said before, just don't read if you don't believe.... This is the back porch, right??Glad to hear that it is helping you Barb...
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I did not mean to upset anyone with my post. I do not claim to be cured, but I am diffinatly doing better. I just wanted to share the results, in the hopes of helping others also. I would much prefer to take something all natural then medicine, and right now I do not need my medicine, and that makes me happy. Not cured but living better.
I'm glad to hear that people are having good luck with the Goji juice. I have to be a bit of a wet blanket, myself, husband, sister-in-law and both my parents have been on it for a month and we don't notice a thing.....sorry.
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Sandy, youre not a wet blanket...... everyone had different metabolisms.... some people have changes right away, some take several weeks... we didnt get sick suddenly at least most of us didnt and for some of us our journeys back to health take a longer bumpy road.


edited to add..... those of us that have been seriously helped by the juice are drinking 2-3 oz 2-3 times a day to achieve these results that are so remarkable.I drink 9 oz total a day. If people drink just a little bit here and there, it cant take you from acid to alkaline like it is meant to do. As I mentioned before it doesnt cure anything but it has been documented that it can bring you from acid to alkaline and disease and inflamation cant exist in an acid environment.
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I started my dad out on 2oz am and pm and increased him to 3oz am and pm It took about 3days for his vision to start improving and then a few days later he started sleeping better and then everything else has kind of fell into place He talks full sentences now and the parkinsons had taken that away from him ..He can eat on his own again i no longer have to feed him his meals and before he had parkinnsons tremors so bad that it would end up in his lap instead of his mouth....No tremors he couldnt even sit up in a chair you had to block him up and in the chair with pillows he sits in the recliner now with no pillows ...

Some people like my dad have numerous medical problems and what some people dont realize is say you have prostate problems like dad did they prescribe (proscar)as an example and they dont tell you that that medication can cause other medical problems and then you are taking prescip meds for the orginal condition then you develope another condition so they prescibe another med to fix that ailment and so on ..
Sandy, youre not a wet blanket...... everyone had different metabolisms.... some people have changes right away, some take several weeks... we didnt get sick suddenly at least most of us didnt and for some of us our journeys back to health take a longer bumpy road.


edited to add..... those of us that have been seriously helped by the juice are drinking 2-3 oz 2-3 times a day to achieve these results that are so remarkable.I drink 9 oz total a day. If people drink just a little bit here and there, it cant take you from acid to alkaline like it is meant to do. As I mentioned before it doesnt cure anything but it has been documented that it can bring you from acid to alkaline and disease and inflamation cant exist in an acid environment.
Hi Lyn

You mentioned something about from acid to alkaline, I have or at least had high uric acid, uric acid stones ect. is that the kind of acid that the juice may help lower?
JoAnn, the juice works on uric acid. there is a web site where Dr Marcial Vega talks about how it cnahges the blood. at the end of it is a short video of the actual blood under the microscope and you can see the uric acid is gone.

My Webpage

This is very interesting seeing the actual red blood cells ,white cells and macrophages cleaning the blood. Biology was my favorite subject in schoo...... I really enjoy that sort of thing.

Hi y'all,

I'm back! I've missed so much on the forum. It will take me forever to get caught up on "the know". Our 2007 hasn't started out very well, but God is in control. But boy, I'm getting tired of swinging on the trapeze of life!

Barb...OMGosh... that is wonderful news! This stuff is helping so many people! I'm so happy for you! :aktion033:

Lyn, I'm doing very well. Thank you for asking.

Yes, I know there are a lot of skeptics out there. I understand completely! I was one. When Lyn contacted me...I was very skeptical. BUT, I was also a skeptic when I heard people talk about Fibromyalgia, that was until I was diagnosed almost 2 years ago and the severe chronic pain took away all skepticism and I learned first hand how debilitating FMS can be. It was robbing my quality of life.

I lived with my chronic pain everyday for far too long and then was introduced to Goji. My first thought was, "It's not gonna work, but it won't hurt me to try it." I hurt so bad, I wanted the pain to end...I would try "monkey pee" at that point. (j/k not really! :smileypuke:) Within 3 days my pain was almost completely gone. Now, I can say after a couple of months that I'm pain free and feel terrific!. (That is until I do something stupid and hurt my shoulder!
: That's another story for another time.) I recently became a distributor myself because I've experienced something that I was about to give up on and that is to be able to live pain free and feel good again.

In defense of those who are distributors on the forum, I think I can speak for them when I say that we've personally experienced great results and just want to share our excitement about feeling good!

... Just like my faith, if I believe in something I want to share it with others especially if I believe it will benefit them. I worked as a hairdresser for 7 years and refused to promote or push products on my customers if I didn't believe in them. My manager called me on it too. I simply told her I couldn't sell a product if I didn't think it was the best product for my customer. I couldn't in good conscious push product to meet a quota. Fortunately for me, she needed my haircutting skills more than she needed my "sales". LOL

All this is to say is that whether you're "Pro-Goji" or "Anti-Goji", ... The way I see it, if there is someone out there who is feeling as hopeless as I was before I tried Goji, then why wouldn't I share what worked for me. Chronic pain stinks!! I'm very glad that I feel better.

I don't want to step on anyone's toes, but for those who are tired of the Goji posts, simply don't read them. I'm sorry if I've offended anyone. Those who know me know that it's never my intention to offend.

God bless,

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the only thing that I dont like is that i had a friend that has been posting here for years, and her posts were removed from the back porch because they were thought to be "selling" something. Obviously most of you are now distributors for this juice (as noted in your signatures) and of course these posts will sell more juice. My friend wont even come on here anymore since her posts were removed.

And please dont try to say that these posts dont sell juice because look how many of you bought it and your all forum members. I am glad you have all been helped by the juice so please dont take this the wrong way.

Now this isnt my forum and I dont set the rules LOL but it just does seem odd that some get to post topics like this and other ones get deleted.
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