another mane???????????????????????

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lucky lodge

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2009
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My little colt has a really frizzy mane and doesnt seem to grow and help would be great
How old is your colt? My colts always seem to have a fuzzy mane for almost a year or longer and there's not much you can do with it. I've seen photos of weanlings with a nice smooth mane that kind of lays over, but if you look really close, there's usually gel or water soaked on them.
As long as his skin, coat and hooves are in a good healthy condition I wouldn't be concerned about his mane - it will grow and lose it's fuzziness. If his skin, coat and hooves are not in good condition I would look to his diet and see if there is something lacking there.
It's just natural in weanlings. You to can have those sleek manes like in the picture but you have to clip, sleazy, gel, and work like crazy to have that one moment that a picture can be taken without the fuzzy mane.
Had the fuzzy mane on my weanlings this year. Just gelled when they went into the ring and then let it be otherwise.
thanks guys he is just over 2yrs old now but the funny thing his tail is beatiful have to gel it for shows i think but wont that look greasy.
By two he really should have outgrown the fuzzy mane stage
but some Minis just have a really thick kind of fuzzy mane. Do you underclip to remove some of the thickness of it? And then a bit of gel and lay it down with a dandy brush should help.
It sounds like the type of mane that Willow has. She has just turned 2 also. Her mane just grew thicker and thicker..not longer. It always looked fuzzy.

Now I use Pantene leave in conditioner (human) and also coat it in natural coconut oil once a week. I thinned her mane out using a thinning type of comb too so now it sits much nicer.
no his mane is not really thick just fuzzy and looks horrible has anyone tryed MTG i think thats what its called
My filly had a very uncontrolable mane about the time she turned two. It wouldn't grow long and just seemed to stick out every direction. Also it was wiry. Since my old gelding, who also has the black mane and tail, had a thick stiff mane, I thought maybe it had something to do with the black hair. Wrong!

Try adding some ground flax or just a bit of corn oil to the feed (that is if the horse isn't too over weight) have to watch that figure! Also when it gets warm enough to clip and wash, under cut the mane if it's thick and make sure it's very clean then use a "leave in" conditioner. Don't be chintzy with it.

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