Another New Foal Question!!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2002
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Is it normal that a new foal (4 days old) will eat her mom's poop? I've caught my little filly with a nugget on two occasions. Kinda gross!

Also...Mom is still rubbing her butt, head and neck on anything available. Is this normal?


They do that, yes
: Its good that baby does that, puts what she needs into her system.
I thought so! I told my husband that this was the Circle of Life!
l was to late running into the stall tonight to pick up a fresh pile baby beat me to it and tried to kick me out of the way. :lol: :lol: Did you wash the mares back quarters well if she's itchy..or needs a good brushing all over from sweat. l brushed today and almost got another horse out of it there was so much hair but she's not rubbing her neck as much now.
This is why it is important to worm your mare prior to foaling. Foals are born without bacteria in their gut and they need to eat their mothers or other horses manure to jump start their digestive system before they start to eat grass or other solids. Do not prevent them from doing so - it is perfectly natural and healthy. but gross
Thanks to all. Makes sense. Regarding the mares itchy butt, neck and head....I did worm her about 2 weeks before delivery and then right after delivery. What else can I do?
Check her for lice - these are the usual spots they scratch when they have lice. Look for tiny yellowish brown bugs crawling on them in their mane and tail and hair in the area of the itching.

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