Unfortunately, there is no exact science behind foaling signs. Some mares are textbook, foal drops, they wax then bag up, loosen up and foal. Maidens are a mixed bag of tricks, as your girl has already demonstrated. Usually, the mare baggs up as her udder fills with milk soon before foaling, some even drip a bit of milk. Others however do not bag up until after foaling. Waxing can mean anywhere from a day to a week (it varies). If she lets you touch her, you may be able to gently express a few drops of milk (if she is lactating yet). If so, then she's closer. There is something to ph and foaling, I know Diane or someone else on the forum could give you more details on this. I have not tested milk in ages, as most of my mares are pretty predictable (knock on wood they don't mix it up on me this year). I got some test strips as a game prize a while back and I am looking forward to trying them on my maidens. I have been told that you can use pool water ph strips too. Supposedly, the ph of the mare's milk changes before foaling. If she gives you some milk, you may be able to get an idea of how close she is.[/quote
She's a tough one! Always looks ready to burst but keeps ticking on. She let me touch her udders, I was surprised by how sweet and trusting she already is, I was overtly gentle, maybe that was a problem but I couldn't get a drop! What does that mean?! Thanks for all your info, I'm so grateful you have donkey experience!