Any forum friends coming to the watseka clinic?

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Just checking to see if any forum people are coming to the watseka clinic this weekend at bertrands. Fran and I are going!! Im so excited. It will be so fun to do something horsey after a long winter. Lennie said something like 8 judges will be there. I intend to pick everyones brains the whole time im there LOL. Im really excited about the driving clinic by larry parnell
Am still thinking about it. Maybe, maybe not. I don't mind the cold, but being in it all day can be the pits and the forecast is calling for it to be cold! When I get like that, takes days to warm me up.

But I'm thinking I might, and leave just before I am completely frozen so I can make the drive home.
I'm still hoping to go. Have been fighting a respritory "bug" for almost 2 weeks now, better but wondering how stupid it would be to go stand in a cold barn (and believe me, I've been there in the Winter and it is a COLD BARN). Sure hate to miss the chance to learn some new things, PLUS get to visit with my friend Kaykay that I miss, and meet Fran. If you see somebody in a navy blue snowmobile suit with a cough, that'll probably be me LOL.
ginny you HAVE to be there!! lennie just emailed saying he will have one heated room for people to warm up in. what kind of horsewomen are we if we cant take a little cold
gotta love that illinois weather. also i think the silent auction horses are up to 25 now. Ginny cathy B is also coming!!!
ME ME ME ME. I am coming and bringing a friend !!!!!!! Yipee, I finally get to go out and do something fun :bgrin
I'm trying my best right now to be able to make it. If i have Horse Judging practice in FFA sunday i cant, its our last practice before we go to our first compition and i know if we have practice my parents wont let me go. hoping and praying
jackie im so glad your going to make it!! I know some of the people putting horses in the silent auction and there are going to be some nice ones!! Leanna i hope you get to make it. You will learn soooooooo much at this clinic!
My Dad will be there, too bad someone has to stay home and do chores :bgrin Hope everyone has a great time.

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