Any News from AMHR Convention?

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I did hear some stuff and some changes but want to wait till i know for sure before i say anything
I only went for a few days, but had a good time and met some more wonderful folks!

Heard all the committe reports at the General Meeting today, nothing real earth shattering for me. BUT, the changes that were made, ammended and clarified, I am sure were important to members involved.

I wanted to hear financial info on nationals this year, but that info had only been completed the day before convention and were not given. Some directors and committee chairs do have those numbers.

Wanted to know more of the web site and it's problems, but were only told they were aware of them and were working on it.

Had a great time at the auction on Friday evening. I could never explain well enough to give it justice, but the Horse Puppet with the Auctioneer was for sure the hit!

Went to this mornings Breakfast and picked up Sophie's HOF Award, that was pretty cool, not formal, but I was still very proud.

Nice table decorations, good participation I thought. A lot of hard working people did a great job.

Thank you to the Michigan Club!!!
Frankie said:
Had a great time at the auction on Friday evening. I could never explain well enough to give it justice, but the Horse Puppet with the Auctioneer was for sure the hit!
Okay, now you've got me curious! Was Don Rudeen the auctioneer again this year? He's my farrier!
My wife just got back, said she had a good time. Talked to a lot of people, met some of the people from the forum. Didn't really have time to get into much detail. Did say that the food was very good this year. Will find out more about what went on in the morning. They did nominate some judges for 2006 Nationals.
We just got back from convention and we had a very nice time seeing old friends and meeting new ones. I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to make this convention a success. The Crowne Plaza was very nice, the food in the restraunt and in the welcome center was very good, I am sure Busters cholesterol level is elevated, but we can work on that.

The trainers did a wonderful job with the informal, informational meeting they held, thank you trainers ! The auction went very well and is always allot of fun !

I was not able to attend all the meetings but did sit in on a few. The fallabelas did not get what they had hoped for, but keep on working on it ! I think that if you really want to get something done you have got to bring support with you. I know that allot of the attendees are , how do I say this, large pony people, so therefore, if you have something you want to address, you must have a majority representing you there.

All you donkey and zebra trainers can no longer show in ammy!

The triple AAA ammy program is wonderful, but, you have to keep up with all your winnings and submit it yourself, DO IT, the awards are WONDERFUL !

Jack Shlatzburg will be bidding us farewell after next years convention, which by the way is in Reno, NV, at the Circus Circus casino.

It is my understanding that the convention may be in Rodchester, NY for 2007 ! sp

That is really all that I can remember right off hand, I do know that the judges were announced, but I could not tell you who, I did not know any of them. But I was told, that they are very fair and judge the horse, not so much the handler,

and I guess the biggest news was the announcement of Lisa Davis Breyer ponies and Lisa donated the very first set to the trainers auction where they sold for more than $1000.00 Thanks Lisa for that generous gift.

I would just like to encourage all members, or even non members, to attent an upcoming convention and devote yourself to making YOUR registry the best that it can be !
[SIZE=14pt]Donna thanks for the update. As I sit here with back problems this am I was thinking of Buster anyway!!! lol Have him eat cherrios for his cholesterol.[/SIZE]

Wish I could have been there. Probably good Jack is retiring he is pretty up in age and the pictures this year show that. He has been wonderful to and for the club for many years. Reno could be interesting...... and Rochester NY is perfect! I can visit family in Syracuse an hour son graduated from RIT there. Spose we could ever host it here in Richmond? The convention complex downtown is really nice.

I was at Convention from Wednesday evening until the end of the Judges Clinic on Sunday. Here's some information from my own notes:

Lenard Davenport reported on the AMHR Nationals. He said there were 1622 horses actually participating, and that they walked through the ingate exactly 7000 times. The new Barn E is complete. On a sad note, as he said, the race horse barns are GONE. Of course the place erupted in applause and cheers!! He added that there will be more seating in the arena, and there will be no construction going on. As for the security issues, he pointed out that there are 17 gates on the property and that it would be impossible to monitor them all. He suggested using more locks on our trucks and trailers. He also mentioned that the Nationals made a $14,000 profit!!

Joe Schroeter provided the Futurity report. The total payout was $60,069. There wre 1692 mares nominated, and 473 stallions nominated. There were 408 mares sustained and 376 stallions sustained.

The 2006 Nationals will take place Sept. 7 - 16. The judges in the Open division will be Amber Montgomery, Pat Sanders and Gary Nickerson. The Youth and Amateur Judges will be Arlene Foulk, Portia Sue Owens-Kalinka and Kim Sykes. If the Futurity judge was named, I missed it. Sorry.

Jeanne Bragagnini is now the head of the Stewards Committee. Richard Lindahl has resigned that position.

The rule regarding the frequency of judging the Congress has been changed from once in every five years to once in every three years.

As noted above already, the motion to have imported Falabellas accepted by the AMHR failed, but will no doubt be brought up again in the future.

Speaking of Falabellas, the winner of the of Houghton show cart on Friday night was Wendy Strong of Dunnville, Ontario!!!!!!!! It was Wendy who made the presentation regarding the Falabellas, and she went from being "the Falabella lady" to "the cart lady". Needless to say, she is thrilled with her win! I never did catch the name of the person who won the show harness.

As far as I know for sure, there were only seven Canadians at Convention, and we're all from Ontario. Amelia ("Amy") Murray and her daughter and grandson Dianne and Scott Schieck, Stephanie ("Steph") and her mom Claire Forbes, and Wendy Strong and I were the only ones there.

The trainers clinic on Wednesday afternoon was put on by Belinda Bagby and Amber Montgomery. I missed all of Belinda's part unfortunately, and just caught part of Amber's, but it was excellent. Amber also did a part on Classic Shetlands in the Judges Clinic on Sunday.

One of the highlights for me was picking up my Hall of Fame award for my three year old B mare, Stone Maples Pewter Dreams. I know of at least one other Canadian horse that also got her HOF and that was Buck Ons LaVida Loca owned by Tracy Conrad of Country Lane Miniatures in Manitoba. Congratulations, Tracy!!!

The hospitality room was outstanding! There was an ample supply at all times of coffee and pop, and lots of sweet treats, many of which were homemade by the members of the host clubs. They also provided a delicious lunch of sub sandwiches and more sweets on Thursday and Friday. The buffet on Friday night included roast pork loin and chicken with all the fixin's, and yummy pie for dessert. We certainly never went hungry, and only had to buy three meals the whole time we were there.

I'm sure there's much more I could tell you about, but that's all the leaps to mind at the moment. I hope Amelia will come on and add more from her perspective.

Convention will be in Reno next year, and we can hardly wait!!!!
Well Judy-- that was a very good report indeed.

I think you covered most of the news. One other thing that was passed is the fact that now to show ANY horse at the Nationals in the YOUTH division -- each & every horse they show must have been qualified by the youth at ONE show under TWO judges.

The reason given was so no youth can come up to a trainer & ask to show a horse.

My question is -- why can the trainer not just say NO.

So, if you have multiple youth showing different horses (like we do, with our grandchildren) then to cover all bases each child must show each horse in at least one class at a 2 judge show so they will be eligible if both that horse & youth make your National show string.

It was a very good & informative convention & a good time as well.

We (Murray's Miniatures) were pleased to have sponsored a table at the banquet as well.

The Barber Shop Quartet were excellent asn the ice cream social was a new & different event.

I was looking for you Dr. Pam -- wondered where you were?Say hi to Patty from our gang.

The clinics werre excellent as well.

Next year is Reno for sure-- I heard rumors of the 2007 in Rochester N.Y but I didn't hear it announced so don't think it is official.

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