We just got back from convention and we had a very nice time seeing old friends and meeting new ones. I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to make this convention a success. The Crowne Plaza was very nice, the food in the restraunt and in the welcome center was very good, I am sure Busters cholesterol level is elevated, but we can work on that.
The trainers did a wonderful job with the informal, informational meeting they held, thank you trainers ! The auction went very well and is always allot of fun !
I was not able to attend all the meetings but did sit in on a few. The fallabelas did not get what they had hoped for, but keep on working on it ! I think that if you really want to get something done you have got to bring support with you. I know that allot of the attendees are , how do I say this, large pony people, so therefore, if you have something you want to address, you must have a majority representing you there.
All you donkey and zebra trainers can no longer show in ammy!
The triple AAA ammy program is wonderful, but, you have to keep up with all your winnings and submit it yourself, DO IT, the awards are WONDERFUL !
Jack Shlatzburg will be bidding us farewell after next years convention, which by the way is in Reno, NV, at the Circus Circus casino.
It is my understanding that the convention may be in Rodchester, NY for 2007 ! sp
That is really all that I can remember right off hand, I do know that the judges were announced, but I could not tell you who, I did not know any of them. But I was told, that they are very fair and judge the horse, not so much the handler,
and I guess the biggest news was the announcement of Lisa Davis Breyer ponies and Lisa donated the very first set to the trainers auction where they sold for more than $1000.00 Thanks Lisa for that generous gift.
I would just like to encourage all members, or even non members, to attent an upcoming convention and devote yourself to making YOUR registry the best that it can be !