Any Potter fans out there?

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Hubby actually went to Walmart Friday at midnight to get me the book. Finished yesterday night. Would have finished Saturday if it wasn't for those three darn kids of mine!!! Loved it-Hate that it is over, but I accept the ending...thats all I will say!!
Picked up the book yesterday and I just finished it. Wow! Fantastic! Loved it, loved it, loved it. Very good ending and the epilogue was perfect.
I am probably one of the very few people around that has never seen any of the movies or read any of the books....LOL!
: I will...eventually. :lol:

Both my kids LOVE Harry Potter and I will say that these books have been a blessing for my son. He was not a reader at all (even had a hard time comprehending what he did read in school and had to have a reading tutor in 3rd grade), but once the Harry Potter books came out, he had never had any problems reading! :aktion033: He has even read all the books more than once!
: (he is almost 19 now! ).
I've finished it too and I am both happy and sad. Cried a lot through the book-- maybe it's menopause! lol (That should tell you how old I'm getting to be!)

Haven't seen the new movie yet but watch the others all the time on movie channels and own the DVDs.
I went out & bought my reserved copy at the book store on Sat...around 10 am....and I finished the book by midnight Sat night......... (ok, ok, I did take a nap somewhere between there)...... anyway, I won't give anything away, but I will say I think if they do the movie right, this will make one heck of a movie.......
Just finished the book. WOW!!! What an incredible ride it was. Hated to see it end, but LOVED every minute of reading it!!!
: :aktion033: :aktion033: :aktion033:

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