Any story behind your username?

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There were 6 ponies (minis)with their heads thru the fence. I was petting them down the row and one told me I should get a job as a pony petter, So now I go by that when I do animal communications at horse sales.
Nothing exciting here...20 years ago Relic was our second foal the first one was really nice but when l went out one morning and found him just born and wet all gangly and leggs all l could think of in my mind was he looked like some kind of old relic.. l raced to the house to let everyone know about the old relic l found out in the barn..the name stuck suits him and me to seeing as most days the past few years l feel like an old relic..
Well, of course, Target is a horse and I am his "Mom". My husband actually came up with this name when we first got on AOL years ago and needed a user ID. And then we named my business (On Target Health Data LLC) and then the farm (On Target Miniatures) after him.

Target (still alive and kicking, but not ridden, at age 25 after losing half his small intestines in 2 colic surgeries over 2 years apart):

Any story behind your username?


Marty is my name, my nickname, the name I go by
I'm like Marty and Jill.....Sonya is my name, but not my nickname or the name I always go work I am usually Goo (it is the pronunciation of my operating initials of GU), one person sometimes calls me Olie (which is my fathers name). My family calls me Sony (without the a at the end) because when my niece was a toddler, she is now 25, she could not say my name correctly, it just came out Sony, like the TV So all my nieces/nephews now call me Aunt Sony.

My forum names started out Brutus (my soul dog), I changed that because some thought I was a man...didn't matter much, but I'm not so I changed it to Fordney Farms (which is the road I live on and what I called my hobby farm)...hobby farm gone, so now its just plain ole Sonya
Well, my Dad always called me Katie Ann. So one day I went to have my name put on my belt (yeah, I am one of those). Well Katie Ann would not fit so I had to shorten it to Katiean.

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