Anybody see the jockey who

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That is soooooo mean...would love to do the same to him
I didn't watch the video, I read his quotes and that was enough for me. He's clearly an IDIOT!

Just seen the article, thought about posting about and someone beat me to it. Someone should give him a good head butt and knock him on his, well you know. That kinda stuff upsets me.. How can people hurt animals like that. Like the horse really knew why he had that done to him..
Oh my gosh...I did watch the video, and that is just pathetic!!! The guy didn't get thrown, as he claims...he bailed out of the saddle when he saw the horse headed for that car...I would have done that too...the horse was being a butt-head (pun intended!) However, there is no excuse for head butting his horse...(pun still intended!) It serves no purpose...except to possibly satisfy the anger of the jockey!

Kim R.
I totally agree. I understand that he is a small guy and the horse is large, but in his line of work, he should be able to handle the size difference. It also looked like he jumped off to me, as I never saw the horse buck or rear up. Reading the article, you find out that he has had issues with the committee for using his whip excessively during the races. Makes you wonder why the horse acted up maybe?
: There is no excuse for it, the horse had no idea why it happened and it didn't appear to have settled the horse any. I think he is just a little man with a big attitude!

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