John You make very valid points as far as the genetics are concerned. As you know height is not something that you can deal with as a simple recsessive or dominate trait that is predictable in any shape, form or fashion. Anyone that says it is needs to go back to the biology books and work up from there, as they are only fooling themselves.
But with that said, I really do not understand why folks are all over the page on this subject and also why they get so bent out of shape about it. To me it is pretty simple. Both of our registries have drawn a line in the sand so to speak. AMHA is 34" or Less, AMHR is 38" or less, simple enough to understand and acceptable to me if that is where they want to be as a collective membership of each.
If either one wants to allow horses fro breeding purposes only that are over those heights is okay by me also. And is probally something they should both look at to keep the horses produced in either association in that respective association. As far as DNA and PQ is concerned it is a good idea also, if we truly want to be able to become a breed at some point in the future.
As far as the measuring is concerned, personally I would love to see them start to measure at the withers as I think it would be easier for stewarts etc. to understand and consistently be as correct as possible. Unfortunately I don't think you will ever get that done without some variance to the respective heigths that are acceptable. In our experience in dealing with our Europen friends measuring at the withers adds up to 1 1/2" to any horse of normal conformation. It would be pretty simple for the registries to simply add that much in measurement to the height requirements for both registries. IE: A would go to 35 1/2" and R would go to 39 1/2" or so.
But that will not do away with the problem that started this entire thread, the lack of proper and consistent measurement of show horses. That will not correct itself untill there is consistent montoring and enforcement of whatever the rules are.
That does not fall into the realm of something that the individual member can deal with and requires the input and attention of the powers that be in each registry. What is needed in my opinion is pretty simple, require the measurers to be licensed, paid and BONDED for any and all sanctioned shows for either registry. Then provide periodic monitoring by a third party paid & also bonded. If the parties doing the show managment are found to be incorrect, they need to be pulled up for review and ultimately if it is a gross or repetitive situation that persons bond would be pulled. Having a bond pulled is a major problem for folks that try to get real day jobs from any governmental entity or large company.
I guarantee you that if a few bonds are pulled and/or people are worried about that consequence the bull corn will reduce itself overnight to a point where it will be a very small problem. And before anyone goes there, there was a case where in a certain dog registry that a steward was being paid by a handler to fudge the height on a couple of beagles. The stewart and the handler were filed on for RICO act violations and also for fraud, my inderstanding is that they finally negociated out a settlement where they were removed from all respective membership functions for a period of three years . I doubt anyone in their right mind want that kind of problem, again though enforcement is the key.
Bottom line to me is that Cindy & I believe there is a place for every miniature horse and something to do with that miniature horse. Be that as a pet, performance horse, halter horse or whatever. We need to as members of both or either registries need to encourange breeders to find places and people for each of those horses they produce. If not we are doomed to remain a small portion of the overall equine community.
Will there always be people willing to press the envelope to try and win in the show ring? Of course there will be, in my mind it is the job of our registires is to make it so uncomfortable and costly to the individuals that do attempt to take advantage of the rules that most will hesitate to do so.
On a final note, I sure wish folks would stop bashing AMHA and AMHR, I am a lifetime member of AMHA and have been a member of AMHR for over 20 years and am proud to be a member of both. Do they have some problems, of course they do. But nothing that is so bad I would ever give up my membership in either. Hopefully with a little long term work we as members can make them better, I know it is frustrating and seems to take forever to get anything to change, but then again I always see the glass half full. LOL