Anyone ever buy a car over seas??

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2004
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My friend's hubby is hot and heavy to buy this jeep he saw on ebay from Switzerland. The people are military and have no use for the jeep. They can ship for next to nothing and aren't asking money orders etc. How can this be done safely or is it a scam? How do you know!
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My friend's hubby is hot and heavy to buy this jeep he saw on ebay from Switzerland. The people are military and have no use for the jeep. They can ship for next to nothing and aren't asking money orders etc. How can this be done safely or is it a scam? How do you know!

eh, be careful. A kid from my moms church just told almost word for word the same story about a Jeep he was going to buy from Switzerland from a military family for "a really great price", and it did turn out to be a scam. He lost all his money. Why is he so hot and heavy to get THIS Jeep? I'd think there are plenty of them a lot closer to home. If he wants it because the deal is just SOOO good that would be a red flag for me.

I mean, I am not sure how you could check it out and make sure it isn;t a scam but I sure wouldn;t do it.
SCAM :new_shocked: We have not bought cars from overseas, but have sold a couple on eBay that went overseas (one to Germany and one to France). I know that it is a lot of paperwork and cost a few thousand dollars to ship. I don't know the exact amount as that was the buyers responsibility, but the container company told me ball park few thousand. There are good deals to be found in this country, just look :bgrin
I told him to keep looking! Not worth losing 5 grand !! I have bought 2 cars from ebay with no problems and really want to sell my suburban but wouldn't let it go overseas....
When we sold the cars, the one that went to Germany sold for approx $4000, for payment on that, they wired the money to our account. We used an account that only had $50 in it (we don't use it anymore and just hadn't closed it). That way if they were to try to steal anything by having our account info there was nothing to steal. The day the funds were there, I transferred them to another account. The other car was only around $1500 and that they paid through Paypal so there was no problems. You really have to be careful as there are alot of scams on eBay lately. One especially to watch out for is a horse trailer scam, they are listed REALLY cheap and say they will deliver it for free.

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