anyone from IOWA

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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2002
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0 friend is under the impression that IOWA has the best schools in the about some real input from people who live there?

Schools are only as good as the people who work there.

That said there are some pretty weird people in Iowa............after all look at Russ.
Sorry Russ couldnt resist.
We live in central Iowa. It has been a while since I have seen actual statistics how Iowa students compare, but when our son and daughter were in school (the 70's) they rated quite high on their state tests and later college entrance exams compared to other states. We have one grandson in third grade currently and he is reading at quite a high level for his age. It might be that the classrooms are some times smaller and the students may get more one on one with the teacher or teachers aides. There are schools of all sizes and I think for the most part the children do get a good education. The state also has set guidelines the schools and students must meet.

Now about Russ... ha, Ashley I am anxious to see his post! ha!

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Ha, Ashley!

Runamuk, it's been awhile since I was in school. Iowa has prided in a rich tradition of education for many many years. Many of the things Lavonne mentioned have been staples of why kids do well in the classroom and go on to a secondary education.We do have very high numbers of kids finishing school, graduating and going on to some type of higher education after high school. We do have the Iowa Basic Skills tests which help our state education systems, schools and teacher gauge where the strong and weak curriculum areas are at within a school, class, grade etc. This helps teachers focus on helping strengthen the areas that need work and of course help the individual student too! Iowa schools have pretty strict graduation requirements credit wise that require more than just the basics to graduate. I know they have increased every so many years, thus challenging students to work harder and broaden their horizons beyond the basics. Smaller class size does help the students on many levels. Teachers are tested and must meet educational standards to get hired also do annual workshops to sharpen their skills and bring new ideas back to the classrooms.

Our governors wife, is a teacher....she has really pushed education to the top as far as making sure educational money isn't cut severely in our state.

In light of the changing face of rural Iowa.....meaning Iowa school students aren't the typical farm family kids that the state once saw nearly 50 years ago(Iowa doesn't have the number of family farms anymore)....we are rolling with the times and still growing, learning, welcoming and reaching for that same quality of education we always strived for in our state. It is a very good thing to see!

So instead of small schools closing do to low enrollment, we see schools merging together and consolidating to keep our rural schools going. It has been highly successful, difficult early on but now the best thing ever for the state.

Now do we have the best schools in the U.S.A ? Nobody is perfect and there is ALWAYS room for improvement. We definately are on a right track if the state holds a commitment to the future of the kids and education as top priority. When you think your the best, it is time to go back to work and try harder but that is just my opinion. Also would like to point out, besides the quality education offered to students there are many other important extra curricular activities to give students a taste of the variety that is out there in the world. For instance: arts, music, drama, debate, sports, clubs of academics, clubs of fellowship, the list is endless. There is something for any student if they so choose.
That I believe is a big part of Iowa's educational success....variety/balanced with keeps the kids wanting to learn!

Wow Russ that was very informative. My friend who is a single mom and adopted one child a year ago and will be adopting her second very soon (paperwork moves at the speed of snails) ..she also plans to adopt more I think 4 total. Any way the idaho schools are well a huge joke overall with the occasional town having a decent program.......and when You have kids that fall in the special needs areas it is like banging your head on the wall....she had been hearing rave reviews for Iowa schools......and well she is thinking ahead for all of kids education (huge priority for her) ...her biggest concern is work which parts of Iowa are the best to live.....
come on brag up your state and town...we can read stats ..but I like opinions of people actually from the area.

thanks guys and gals

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