Anyone going to BreyerFest?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Springtown TX
We leave the 24th after work. I must be crazy, I entered NAN (model horse Nationals) on Thurs, the BreyerFest show on Fri, and I work the youth show on Sat! I will be totally fried by Sunday! By hey, It's Breyerfest! I have been to BF every year since it's inception- yup, I'm a Breyer junkie...


I wish I was going. I've been twice, once when I was 11 or so and again two years ago. I had a blast both times and really miss it but it's such a long drive for me and my family. I hope you have tons of fun, enjoy yourself!
We will be there, but we live so close, it would be a crime not to attend. I always like to buy myself a custom painted horse while I am there. There are so many talented people that do the model horses. It is really amazing.

Ill have to look you all up.
Yes, my sister, Debbie, and niece, Jennifer, and I will be at Breyerfest. Two of the three days I think.

I just hope we don't get the killer heat. We are expecting 90's this next week.

Is there a link for Breyerfest? I have never been, but have always been a "Breyer Junkie".... and just love to look at the photos...

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
We will be there Saturday. Our Bluegrass Miniature Horse Club will be participating in the demonstrations again this year. We always hold our July meeting during the Breyer fest & provide our members with a meal.

That's the website

I went one year -- won't go again -- why? It is GREAT FUN - but I spent WAAAAYYYY Too much money - not their fault -- mine -- I just can't resist!

It is a whole lotta fun I Promise -- and if you get in town early - be sure and go to the Holiday Inn where there are 9 bazillion breyers for sale - practically every room in the motel is filled with Breyer people.

Most of the Holiday Inners arrive on Monday (like tonight) and Leave on Sunday (like the 30th).


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