Lil Timber Buck
Well-Known Member
Okay, so we went to a smallish local show and entered my mini in a mini halter class. The jusdge had us walk way into the arena and stop. He said "Is it a mare or gelding?" I said he's only 10 months, but he is a stallion. He said I need to see his teeth then. He proceeded to shove his hands in my minis face very abruptly causing my mini to panic...Timber is a very calm cool little guy, but I would've flipped out too!!! The judge sasid, well, I need to see them. I told him I would be happy to show you, reached down, showed him the top and bottom for about ten seconds until he said okay....Is this to be expected? We are going to work on it either way, but wow...Then every horse's slobber get swapped too. YUCK. Also, he asked if he had dropped that normal?
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