OH! Call this geriatric acres!! These minis have been with me a long time, for the most part.....and have earned any retirement needs they decide to develop
Birthdays between now & April '08.......mare 21, 23, 24, 25, stallions 21 & 24. Plus mares 1-18, 2-17.
Those nine are part of a herd of 40. Except for the stallions being fenced by but not in with the mares, these horses are all with the others & in great health. I am like the rest, you watch them closely for teeth, weight, etc. But they eat along with the others....soft hay, pelleted feeds. I do use BP for all mine and have heated tubs for all. Everyone has shelter to use or not as they desire and I'm in a milder climate (coastal VA).
They are all cycling regularly it seems -- even the 25 yr old! Only bred 2 mares last year for '08 foals. The heat & drought was a factor as the mares (young & old) did not cycle &/or erratically. In past few years I have only bred a couple mares each year by choice -- don't need or want to get back to heavy foaling right now.
Uhhhh, I turned "sr" this yr, tooo ....still very healthy, all my teeth, running daily