Well-Known Member
My SOB cat brought me two very young bunnies this morning. They appear to be different ages. The bigger boy has no puncture wounds (bites) that I can see but I did treat his eyes just in case. His eyes are open and he had the sense to "play dead". He's very mellow and calm. Bunny number 2 is much smaller and has several bites. I have treated them with neosporin. This one is a screamer and his eyes are not open yet. This one is also very hard to hang onto. Very strong and very full of fight. I imagine he's in pain. I am feeding them cat milk. I'm getting a few drops into each every hour. Thats about all I can get them to take. Bunny 1 eats well. Bunny 2 isn't lapping it up, he's simply holding his mouth and it runs in. I don't have a good feeling about bunny 2 but am doing what I know to do from last year when we rescued a little one. She did well and almost became a house pet but I decided in the end to turn her over to a wild life rescue. Come to find out I had the wrong kind of cat milk and they were amazed that I'd grown her so well on it.
If anyone has any tips I would greatly appreciate it. Not sure if they're eating solids yet or not. I have some leafy alfalfa in there with them and am feeding them every hour.
If anyone has any tips I would greatly appreciate it. Not sure if they're eating solids yet or not. I have some leafy alfalfa in there with them and am feeding them every hour.