Anyone watching the Preakness?

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Just sitting here watching the grandbaby and enjoying all of these gorgeous horses and their stories! Anyone else?
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Now I wished I had not turned in. Oh my that does not look good for his hind leg (ankle). Poor Barbaroe
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No one wanted to see that .... I just hope Barbaro will be able to heal.
I don't have cable, and our local channels do not cover the triple crown races any more, so it's been a few years since I've seen any of the races--otherwise, I never missed them. Once in awhile they'll run a clip of the race on the evening sports, so perhaps I'll see it yet.
It looked like seisamoids, maybe... and when they go - the support for the entire leg is gone. Prado did a good job pulling him up as fast as he did.

Horses. You can put them in a padded velvet room - and they can find a way to hurt themselves. Or they can race hard for 9 years (as my first horse - a gelding off the track - did) and never get so much as a scrape.

So sad.

Looks like they are taking Barbaro to New Bolton...

@#$%^*& .

If he wakes up from surgery thrashing around like Ruffian did.... :no:
I watched.

I remarked to my husband while we were watching the horses wait to go into the gate..."Barbero isn't moving right...he's off on the right hind. Even the jockey looked down at the horse's right hind...I think he knew something was up... He wasn't off was like there was just a little hitch in his get-along. My husband thought I was a bit cracked.

It was heartbreaking to watch. I wonder if the horse broke out of the gate early because of the pain.

Was I the only one to see it? Surely someone out there saw what I did...I guess I just have the habit of watching how horses move closely...

Kim R.
I watched. I didnt' catch a problem with him before he broke but knew something wasn't right.

I certainly hope he can be healed. I really doubt if he will ever run again though. So sad :no:
Actually I noticed Edgar Prado checking both hinds too, like he noticed something but that might be normal. Barbaro was certainly up on his toes as said, and ansy, but he's trained to the max and he knew what was up and some horses are just really into it.

After he burst through the gate and they took him around to reload I did look at his legs and thought he was a tad ginger on one, that could have been from the explosive thrust through but I'm no trainer and blew it off.

After it all happened and they showed clips of all again I looked again and wasn't sure if I saw a favor there or not. Doesn't matter, He has fracture both above and below ankle which probable mostly happened after race started.

Lets all just say a prayer for him now that they can save him and the blood supply is not compromised.

They might still get babies from him and he might have a good life.

Even tho the horse I chose won I feel badly for him and his family. His racing days are no doubt over but I do hope he will be sound again. Is he stallion or gelding?
I would like to clarify that I am not accusing anyone of any mishandling of the horse...I simply made an observation, and to my horror, I was right...I was just hoping he was jigging around, and he'd just prove me a paranoid worry wart. Dang it.

His legacy will be in his foals now...We'll watch them win in a few years. Maybe he'll sire the next Triple Crown Winner.

Kim R.
I missed it i had to work . :no: But when i got home i seen it on the news. I hope he will heal up and make nice babies.

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