vickie gee
Well-Known Member
Hi all and Happy New Year and hoping your Christmas was merry and bright. I thought I would begin by telling what is currently going on in my world and what I expect and hope for a new year. Looking forward to hearing what is going on with other forum members. Seems I have not had the time or willingness to post much lately but that is no excuse for wishing you all a blessed New Year. We have been so busy getting our place updated and ready to sell. As of November we find ourselves managing two households. My husband had not seen a raise in seven years from a greedy boss. No, his name was not Ebenezer. So, in November my husband took another job. His former employer offered a huge raise but it was too little too late. We bought a Forest River Wildcat RV and my husband now lives in it a couple of hours from here at his new job which he absolutely loves the boss, the job, and the co-workers, as well as the job security and potential for advancement. This has left me with a lot more responsibility at the home/farm and to put it mildly I am tired. Hopefully, it should pay off since I am about a year and a half from retirement and even sooner should early out be offered. We had a wonderful yet meager Christmas and the new year will consist of his bi-weekly visits home. It actually feels like dating, although I thought I was done with that. Tee-hee. The day he got set up in the RV park was actually our 10 year anniversary and I did not help with the move because I was working overtime. This year will no doubt be a challenge, but still when I look around at all the pain and suffering in the world I can't help but feel blessed. The sad part about Christmas was that we had to put down one of his two goats. Not really sure what she had come down with but we had tried drenching, electrolytes, and all and the poor girl was ready to give up. On Christmas Eve I was ready to end her suffering when my husband got home and did it himself. It was very sad and Christmas Day we gave her a proper burial. Enough about the down side. We had a joyful time with family and friends this week and although we will be apart New Year's I do feel life is basically good. I will be celebrating the New Year with a friend that has been down on her luck for some time now but has managed to build a new and positive life for herself. We will be having a meal and movies here and hubby will be telling tales with the old geezers in the RV park. My new year will be spent finding good homes for some of the horses and giving the farm/house more appeal for a buyer. The only resolutions I am making are to think positive thoughts, eat healthy, tell those I love I love them more often than I have in the past, and spend more time reading the good book. So what is going on with you all? What are you planning for 2014? I am normally camera shy but here is a picture we took this past week.