Arab or Quater Horse type

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Definatly The Fulkl Out Refined Thats just me. I Love them my horse is more in between though. Love Him still

:aktion033: :bgrin MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You decide which she is.... :saludando:

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I feel like my gelding, "Sunny" / Tibbs Sundowner is a very good example of a QH type mini. And, even though he's very much a QH style horse, he has had a very successful show career (3x Nat'l Champion, 6x Reserve Nat'l Champion, 19 Grand Championships, Halter Hall of Fame w/ almost 200 points).


Additionally, my former show stallion (now one of my geldings), "Derby" / Triple H Derby Day Miracle, is another example of a QH style mini and he did earn quite a few halter championships as a stallion. He's also a really nice "all around" horse who halters, drives, jumps and does obstacles.


ADDITIONALLY, the above photo of Derby shows him underweight. A lot of times, people think you can make a QH style mini look like a more fine boned style by having them loose weight and that's not the case! At this stage in his life, Derby was still at a trainer's but he's home now and has turned a corner to say the least in terms of weight
Jill, what a relevant point to make!!

So very many people STILL think that a thin horse is "refined"

At this point I should say that I have always preferred the refined horses and shall always stay loyal to my first loves- Arabs.

After nearly thirty years of breeding Minis I am , possibly, half way there.

I have good heads on all my horses- some Araby, some not, and I have sound conformation on every one of my breeding animals.

With that as a foundation I shall continue towards my goal.

NEVER sacrifice conformation for "type"

A good horse cannot be the wrong sex, the wrong colour or the wrong type!!!
I like and appreciate both types. Like long as it's good, it's appealling to me.

However, I don't particularly care for the-ULTRA - ULTRA - refined. IMO, they aren't really built for anything but looking at. BUT that's JMO, for whatever it's worth.
Devon, I don't think of wrenhart's mare as a warmblood type, but more of the normal, finner Quarter type like Nitro or Sunny. When I said warmblood, I ment like Geshas(sp-sorry), one that is very very leggy and fine.
Well just my opinion... but I think at the AMHR National level, the top halter horses were not Arab type OR Quarter Horse type, they were MODERN SHETLAND TYPE. And I love it! Of course they still are minis but are leaning a little towards the moderns.... it is a beautiful blend.

Our Stallion is a Quarter type?


He throws finer offspring

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