Are there any Artists in your family?

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Myself and my oldest brother are the artists in our family. He is a "jack of all trades", named Jack (hee hee). The man can draw, create, pick up an instrument and play it, his favorite hobby is to build model trucks. He will use a kit but then add on himself. On one of his flatbed trailers, he machined 55 gallon drums out of some kind of material he got at work. He casts his own rubber tires.....his models are amazing. I wish I had photos but I don't.

Myself, I draw, but haven't for years. My latest is photography but I don't show it here. I have a website with some of my work on it. I'm in the process of uploading a lot more of my pictures.
Actually, my father is an illustrator for books his name is Vincent Libassi ( incase you wanna look him up :bgrin ) you can also go to real nice!

-Savannah :lol:
No particular artistic history in my family, but I used to draw a lot and paint some. Loved to do it, just got away from it when my kids were small and I had no place to leave paints etc out. I have an interior design degree and truthfully, what I always liked best about design was the drawing.

Maybe I will get inspired again, seeing all of your beautiful work here.

While I haven't taken time recently (or should I say in the past 4yrs since being in college) to do any work - but I do enjoy it. My favorite would be pointilism with just ink or a plain Sharpie marker - several in different tips.

Here are the only two I have scanned in at the moment. I need to get back to doing one every now and then, I like it - just seems that between college, travel, foaling out mares, conditioning and showing the horses time goes by very quickly.....

This one I did in 2000, so would have been tenth grade or about 16


This one is taken framed so you have a glare in the picture as it was too big to scan in on my scanner. Did this in 01 or 02

I love to do artwork. I don't have many pictures of my finished drawings as I usually do comissions for other people. I do paintings in oil, acrylic and watercolor. I also do a lot of pencil drawings and some charcoal.

My favorite medium is watercolor and charcoal.

I wish I had more/better pictures to share. I do pet portraits, equine art and portraits of people as well. i will see if I can get one of my people portraits scanned. i went through an anime phase in high school and drew a lot of that as well.

The following drawinsg were drawn from model horses to help me with my anotomy and working with unusual angles and poses and forwshortening and things like that.



Quick drawing of a mule...finished in an hour.


Rough sketch of a welsh pony.


Rough sketch of a Quarter Horse in a rollback


Rough sketch of an Iberian Horse


Rouch sketch of Iberian Horse
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Well I can't draw that well but mom can draw really good. I am pretty much the only one in my family who can take a photograph but I make my money on babysitting and yard work. Oh yeah my grandpa can draw horses real well.
Here are a couple paintings I did last week:



My friend told me there is a cover art contest for her Andalusian Horse National Show this year, so I am making some entries. I am experimenting with metallic paints.

Just me. Drawing, painting, pen & ink, stained glass, sculpting, pottery, ceramics. Pretty much anything. But I was never taught. I've just done it since I was about 4 years old.
Wow, such beautiful work by everyone!

Ferrah, many of those horses look like some sculptures I've seen before...very nice renditions!

disneyhorse they are really beautiful finished work...was looking at your website and admiring your other stuff too.

Liz M.

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