Well-Known Member
This has been an interesting thread to read. :lol: Mostly, peoples reactions to it. To geld or not is a personal decision. After reading the article that Rabbitfizz posted about horse trends and where we're going I'm even more committed to gelding my boys unless they "scream" stallion....even then they may get gelded down the line. There are no perfect horses. I'm new in breeding and I like my stallion(and no, I don't think he's perfect) and I'm still in the process of seeing what type of mare crosses to him best. Everyone seems to put the emphasis on the stallion.....but the mare is half the equation and if you're not breeding to good mares(hopefully that are strong in areas your stallion is weak) you're defeating your purpose of having a quality stallion. I just went totally off track about what I originally had intended to post! With big horses people wouldn't think of keeping the numbers of stallions intact that we do in minis(myself included as I wouldn't want even one big horse stallion). Geldings are very popular and easier to sell with big horses. I'm hoping we eventually get the same way with minis. I'm hoping that with the increase in popularity with driving, not only at horse shows but now CDE's and just for pleasure, that the demand for nice geldings will increase.