Charlie, I have been following the progress of this carefully.
I thought it was in Turkey??
There is absolutely NO point in worrying about it, worrying is a totally negative thing, just relax and work out is there anything you can actually do??
You can e-mail your doctor and relevant Health Ministers and ask about vaccines and not accept platitudes- if you are not satisfied with the answers you can demand better ones.
Your age has nothing to do with this, by the way, the fact that you cannot yet vote has nothing to do with your right to get answers!!
It is only by people demanding answers that action will be taken.
Vaccines are out there but the governments are doing nothing.
Being totally cynical at the moment, we know that Tony Blair and all the Government over here have the vaccine lined up and to hand, so why should they care if I have it or not??
Well, if I make enough noise and force them to care, that's how.
But, in the meantime, do not be scared, do not worry, there have been many, many scares like this that have, in the end, amounted to nothing.
Look at BSE- more Farmers committed suicide over the problems caused by the disease, than were actually killed by the disease itself. It was an ENORMOUS threat, and no cure and no vaccine, yet it was contained.
Try not to worry about this, an answer will be found.