Arghhhhh - Bird Flu has hit :-(

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Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2005
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Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh the bird flu has hit in China. I am soooo scared, they reckon it will be two years till it hits New Zealand and I am sooooo darn scared. Hope they find a cure for it very very soon
Charlie, I have been following the progress of this carefully.

I thought it was in Turkey??

There is absolutely NO point in worrying about it, worrying is a totally negative thing, just relax and work out is there anything you can actually do??

You can e-mail your doctor and relevant Health Ministers and ask about vaccines and not accept platitudes- if you are not satisfied with the answers you can demand better ones.

Your age has nothing to do with this, by the way, the fact that you cannot yet vote has nothing to do with your right to get answers!!

It is only by people demanding answers that action will be taken.

Vaccines are out there but the governments are doing nothing.

Being totally cynical at the moment, we know that Tony Blair and all the Government over here have the vaccine lined up and to hand, so why should they care if I have it or not??

Well, if I make enough noise and force them to care, that's how.

But, in the meantime, do not be scared, do not worry, there have been many, many scares like this that have, in the end, amounted to nothing.

Look at BSE- more Farmers committed suicide over the problems caused by the disease, than were actually killed by the disease itself. It was an ENORMOUS threat, and no cure and no vaccine, yet it was contained.

Try not to worry about this, an answer will be found.
One thing life has taught me is it does little good to worry about things over which you have no control over. You did not mention if your concern was based on its danger to humans or possibly your birds. In any case over the last century we have faced all sorts of viruses from swine flu to bird flu and no doubt both the birds and the human race will muddle its way through it. Our wee English friend in the previous post had some words of wisdom you should go back and read again then just go on about your everyday life.
Jane is so very very very correct. Please do not waste a moment of prcious llife worrying over what may happen. Live each day the best you can and move on to the next, otherwise you will rob yourself of a happy future.
Go and settle down and have a cup of coffee..... Did you know more people Just this last Month in the USA have died from ordinary flu then ALL the people that have died because of the bird flu~!?

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh the bird flu has hit in China. I am soooo scared, they reckon it will be two years till it hits New Zealand and I am sooooo darn scared. Hope they find a cure for it very very soon
Bird Flu has been around in Asia for Centuries. Only reason people know about it now is because of all the Media hype.

Have you been to Asia and seen how they keep Poultry? Is nothing like how they are cared for and treated here.

School full of Children are more likely to pass germs around.

There are diseases around us everyday, we live with them.

I for one am not going to worry about it. To many other things to do.
Wow... funny this should come up.

My last name is Byrd, and now all my friends have taken to calling it "Jamie flu"

Wow... that sounded so lame.

At least when they want a napkin they no longer say "Ok, I would like a Jamie please"
I agree with the rest who said not to worry. Why bother? We live with many things that can kill us and bird flu is not "new." When your number is up, it's up.
Your right. I should just settle down and forget about it. I don't know much about it except that they expect it to kill lots of people. I should research more before freaking out.

Thanx for reasurring me!! :bgrin
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