Thanks so much, we are a little short on $20.00 sponsor tables, anyone else interested in putting out candy, business cards, sales flyers for 10 on a table at the banquet?HI Lea
I have just filled out my registrations forms-- will be mailing them off today-- not going on the bus tour though.
Judy & I should be arriving later on Wednesday -- so will be available to help out .
Lee - put me down to sponsor a table at the banquet -- we also did this at the Area 2 convention in Grand Rapids.
See you there.
Looking for twenty banquet table sponsors for Friday evening banquet
Attention clubs, trainers, breeders, vendors, judges, show managers, stewards, blacksmiths, here is your opportunity to advertise your business or your horses.
For $20.00 you can buy a banquet table to lay out your business cards, ads, candy or even a prize to be given away to someone at the table.
Please see Lea for details and get signed up now for the 2007 Convention.
Lea Dill
3590 Baker Road
Walworth, New York 14568-9731
315 986 3026
Name: _____________________________
Phone #: ___________________________
Paid: Ck. #: ___________ Cash: ________
Number of tables reserved: _______
Hello to All,
You can find information on the ASPC/AMHR web site and also email at [email protected]
Registration form: Cut off date: October 7th, 2007, no reservations can be taken at convention. This is an advance ticket purchase only tour unless there are empty seats on the bus; there is no guarantee that there will be empty seats. You will be asked to show your ID before getting on the bus, you will not be allowed on the bus without proper ID. This is a requirement of the Bus Service and Boarder Patrol.
Number of guests: _________ X $20.00 each (Adult or Youth is the same price)
Total Payment enclosed: $____________________ Check or Money Order only!.
Please make check out to: Helene M. Dill
Mail check and reservation form to:
Helene M Dill, 3590 Baker Road, Walworth, New York 14568-9731
585 739 9554 cell
2007 ASPC/AMHR Convention Schedule
9:00 am Finance Committee with lunch break from Noon – 1 pm
3:00 – 9:00 pm Hospitality/Registration
12:00 Noon Platform Presentation
1:00 pm Show Managers Clinic
5:30 pm ASPC Board of Directors Supper
6:00 pm ASPC Board of Directors Meeting
7 am – 5 pm Hospitality/Registration
8:30 am Runs consecutively with lunch break from Noon – 1 pm
AMHR Committee
Judges Committee
Stewards Committee
Modern Committee
Modern Pleasure Committee
Modern Sweepstakes Auction
ASPR Committee
USEF Committee
Steward Clinic (4:30 or following the USEF Committee)
6:15pm Bus Tour - Niagara Falls, Canada (Advance Reservations Required)
7 am – 4 pm Hospitality/Registration
8:30 am Runs consecutively with lunch break from Noon – 1 pm
Classic Committee
Foundation Committee
Amateur Committee
Breed Promotion Committee
Journal Committee
Youth Committee
Royalty Committee
4:30 pm Board meeting – election of Officers
5:00 pm Presidents Reception
5:45 pm Banquet/Awards/Trainer’s Auction
8:00 am – ASPC/AMHR Hall of Fame Awards Breakfast
ASPC Annual Meeting
3:00 pm – ASPC Board Meeting
8:00 am – 2:00 PM – Judges Clinic -- Please note change in Judge clinic schedule
Hello All,
Right now we have 50 people signed up for the bus tour.. The buses hold 56 people, so please if your planning on going, I really need your resevations and payment. I have to order the buses and the drivers ahead of time... THERE WILL BE NO SIGNING UP FOR THE BUS TOUR AT CONVENTION>>>>>>>>>> :lol: This is going to be great fun, all of us on the buses going through the boarder and over to Canada...... You will regret not taking this opportunity to see one of the SEVEN wonders of the World....... Just ask Karen Shaw, Sharron Hinkle, Belinda Bagby and Amber Montgomery, when you come to New York -- there are two things you must see, that is WEGMANS and the Falls, Canadian side.............. YOU WILL NO WANT TO MISS THIS FOR ONLY $20.00
Looking for twenty banquet table sponsors for Friday evening banquet
Attention clubs, trainers, breeders, vendors, judges, show managers, stewards, blacksmiths, here is your opportunity to advertise your business or your horses.
For $20.00 you can buy a banquet table to lay out your business cards, ads, candy or even a prize to be given away to someone at the table.
Please see Lea for details and get signed up now for the 2007 Convention.
Lea Dill
3590 Baker Road
Walworth, New York 14568-9731
315 986 3026
Name: _____________________________
Phone #: ___________________________
Paid: Ck. #: ___________ Cash: ________
Number of tables reserved: _______
Hello to All,
You can find information on the ASPC/AMHR web site and also email at [email protected]
Registration form: Cut off date: October 7th, 2007, no reservations can be taken at convention. This is an advance ticket purchase only tour unless there are empty seats on the bus; there is no guarantee that there will be empty seats. You will be asked to show your ID before getting on the bus, you will not be allowed on the bus without proper ID. This is a requirement of the Bus Service and Boarder Patrol.
Number of guests: _________ X $20.00 each (Adult or Youth is the same price)
Total Payment enclosed: $____________________ Check or Money Order only!.
Please make check out to: Helene M. Dill
Mail check and reservation form to:
Helene M Dill, 3590 Baker Road, Walworth, New York 14568-9731
585 739 9554 cell
2007 ASPC/AMHR Convention Schedule
9:00 am Finance Committee with lunch break from Noon – 1 pm
3:00 – 9:00 pm Hospitality/Registration
12:00 Noon Platform Presentation
1:00 pm Show Managers Clinic
5:30 pm ASPC Board of Directors Supper
6:00 pm ASPC Board of Directors Meeting
7 am – 5 pm Hospitality/Registration
8:30 am Runs consecutively with lunch break from Noon – 1 pm
AMHR Committee
Judges Committee
Stewards Committee
Modern Committee
Modern Pleasure Committee
Modern Sweepstakes Auction
ASPR Committee
USEF Committee
Steward Clinic (4:30 or following the USEF Committee)
6:15pm Bus Tour - Niagara Falls, Canada (Advance Reservations Required)
7 am – 4 pm Hospitality/Registration
8:30 am Runs consecutively with lunch break from Noon – 1 pm
Classic Committee
Foundation Committee
Amateur Committee
Breed Promotion Committee
Journal Committee
Youth Committee
Royalty Committee
4:30 pm Board meeting – election of Officers
5:00 pm Presidents Reception
5:45 pm Banquet/Awards/Trainer’s Auction
8:00 am – ASPC/AMHR Hall of Fame Awards Breakfast
ASPC Annual Meeting
3:00 pm – ASPC Board Meeting
8:00 am – 2:00 PM – Judges Clinic -- Please note change in Judge clinic schedule