ASPC Jumper/hunter class questions

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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Green Springs Ohio
I had my first classic jumper in hand class at Congress, my first time showing a shetland jumping class. I had a chance to skim over the rulebook before the classes (he did hunter and jumper, both adult open) and figured it would be much like amhr classes. Exept ASPC Hunter, you can use a whip correct (open/adult)? It said in the rulebook you could HOWEVER i didnt see anyone using a whip so i put it aside.

Then the Jumper class, i see that you must go around two times ...i know the second one is based upon speed and time but what exactly is the first round of jumper based on? I didnt see anywhere in the rulebook about having two rounds in the Jumper class.

It's just something new, the jumper class just really through me off though. Any and all input is very much welcome ..ohhh Mrs Ponder, im sure you know plenty about the aspc jumper :bgrin.
I think you are confused, no you don't HAVE to go around 2 times, you get to go the second time to be timed and faults ONLY if there is a tie.

So if there are 3 clear rounds for 1st, then they must jump off by time and faults for 1st-3.

Does that make sense. NOT EVERYONE gets a second time through.

Your goal is to go clear and get into that timed jump off.

I know in the mini division, whips are not allowed in the Hunter class but allowed in Jumper. The point of Hunter is form over jumps and in Jumper, speed. Like Rob said, the first round in Jumper is just that, while any other rounds are used to break ties based on faults and time. :aktion033:

And yes, you should have asked BEFORE Congress!

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