ASPC Showing question

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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I'm more familiar with AMHA and AMHR showing.....NOT ASPC.

Do people showing their Shetlands do a full body clip like minis before every show? We have one that was clipped 3 weeks ago and were thinking of going to a show in Santa Cruz on the 16th.

Should we body clip again or just touch her up?

Good Morning,

Most shetland exhibitors show their shetlands in a natural coat. I did show in a natural coat most of the show season except Congress where I did a full body clip on my silver dapple mare to bring out her color even more.

If you clipped three weeks ago, do you see any "piggy" hairs? If not, I would just clean up and go on. Depending on where you live, most of theses shetlands are already putting on their winter coats (mine has) and it's still in the 90's here where I live. You don't want to take off too much now as it's their protection for days to come.

hi ma

I agree with Karen. And it depends on the horse. We had one that we never body clipped as she simply never needed it. We just did her head and ears and feathers on the hooves. When we showed Jet this year he did get a heavy coat all summer so was body clipped for shows (maybe because hes only a yearling?)
I did a full body clip on my shetland before congress.

However, last year i showed him throughout area II with just doing the fetlocks and muzzle, ears, under the jaw line ext ..just did the cleanup work. Depends on the horse i think.

I try to get away with local ASPC shows not clipping and it looks like most everyone else does. Of course if your showing a foal, clipping is almost necesary.
Thanks Guys!

You answered it, I think. We showed the mare for AMHR (over) at the end of August and she was body clipped for that, and we're planning on going to a California ASPC show -- our first ASPC show ever.

Right now she's still looking sleek and good. We're keeping her blanketted to cut down the possiblilty of the "pig-hairs". The show is on the 16th.


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