Background noise

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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2006
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Southern Ca
When you read, do you need to be in complete silence to concentrate, or can you read anywhere through anything?
Neat question!! I almost always have everything (TV, radio...) turned off. Although once in awhile I may have the NPR radio station on softly.
When I'm reading, I'm completely oblivious to anything going on around me. Would take an awful lot to distract me!
I am the oldest of 6 and now have to have background noise to concentrate.I usually put the tv on low when I read.
I'm a multi-tasker -- I can read anywhere. We always have the radio on...if I get bored with a movie, I'll start reading and follow both...back when we regularly watched tv, I drove Keith crazy by reading and watching, sometimes working on design concepts as well. When we lived in town, I'd read while riding the city bus -- although on occasion I came close to missing my stop!

Like Amanda, I think I developed this from growing up as one of six children.
When I read for fun, I do it with audio books, so I like it quiet otherwise.

When I'm reading for study or work, I want it completely quiet, too.
I like it to be quiet when I read. My favorite time being when my husband isn't home, because he always blares the tv. Sometimes if I'm not really into the book I'm reading, I'll get side tracked and watch tv with him for a while. But if a book really has me hooked, I won't hear or notice a thing around me. There's been times when I come back to reality to find our pets on my lap or snuggled up along me, and I have absolutely no idea when or how they got there. Lol
Background noise!! I have never been able to read in quiet, maybe that is why I can only concentrate on one book at a time. First off I live accross the river from Quantico, they blast all day long, if they are not blasting then the Navy base is blowing up bombs. When I say my horses are bomb proof, I'm serious! The guy next door has a motorcycle and a race car, AAAHHH! I'm also the Mother of five grown children that never could be quiet, I live with noisy, snoring bulldogs! Now I have a four year old grandson living here. Somtimes I threaten them all with spending a weekend in a hotel with just my books, a nice hot bath and my own six pack!
Definitely need background noise and I prefer music.
I can read with the tv on and follow both the program and my book; but forget it if hubby starts talking I can't concentrate on anything (he always wants to talk during commercials, well, I'm reading, so I don't).

Keith does the same, but all I need to do is compare it to me talking while he is recording. [brushes off hands and shrugs]
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