Bad news on the home front

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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2009
Reaction score
Wellington, Ohio
I had posted a few posts on recent surgeries I have had. We have recieved some bad news. Unsure of what will happen now. And don't want to be one of those winey overly personal people. but it is official, and I am worried.
I'm sorry things are not going well. I hope they get better for you and soon.

Just try to take things one day a time and enjoy the good. Hope things turn around and you are feeling better soon.
Just remember, sometimes the DR's are not right. I had a DR. tell me I would not drive (a car) again and I do/can/no restrictions. When I got sick 1 1/2 years ago they (the DR's) so nicely and with out even discussing it gave me a colostomy. Life as I knew it was totally OVER. Then last December the reconnected me. Now if it were not for this stupid neck of mine I would be in great shape.
I'm sorry to hear that you've received bad news. Hopefully the doctors have some good treatment options for you. Think positive thoughts--it's impossible to not worry of course, but try not to dwell on the negative. I will be thinking good thoughts and praying for you.
Minimor beat me to it but try to stay positive. Bad news isn't always as bad as they make it sound or as we tend to think it will be. Think good thoughts and I'll think them along with you.
I am so sorry. I know how scary it is to face the unknown and then even scarier to face the known stay strong you will be in my thoughts
Thank you all so much. I really do appreciate all your support. And you are right. There sure is enough good in the world to help. It is just scary and I needed some support. Thank you so much.
Dispite what an uncaring Doc did to me or say not did to me. Always get an 2nd or even a 3rd opinion. Not all Doc's are good ones, as I have learned over and over again.

If I can work on beating my issue and lack of care..... I know you can beat yours! I know it is hard right now, but just take one day at a time and stay positive.

Getting back to Art really helped me. Find a hobby you like and have fun with it, it really does help.

Major Hugs

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