Well-Known Member
All 27 of mine are "put up" at night..My barns and sheds all have fenced paddocks and everyone goes into to one of the areas where they can not roam at night and are fed in individual feed pans. The foals and dams are in closed stalls with no outside access. Putting everyone up in this way allows me to know who is doing what and I can check them when they come in to eat and when they go out in the morning..Just gives me more control. If they do not eat their grain, I know it..if they go stand in a corner without going straight for their grain or hay, I know it. If they have a slight limp, I clean their feet and check them out. Would they rather be free to roam at night?. I know how much water is drank, minerals are eaten and consistency and abundance of poop. They are waiting at their respective night housing gates and go straight to their questions fighting very quiet and content..Not that this is the way it has to be but just the way I do it. It is so amazing to watch them come in for the evening. It never ceases to amaze me how smart, sweet and wonderful they all are and to watch the herd dynamics.