Oh...we've expanded on the beef operation as well. We finally got access to more of our pasture (family drama) and put on a nice group of Angus heifers and some Galloway cows. We still raise holstein steers and replacement calves. Things are getting out of control busy in every direction lol. We are doing 4 weekly farmers markets moving the meats, opened a farm stand and expanded the boarding operation. We're up to 40 horses (including 10 boarders), about 100 cows (including calves, steers and heifers) 30 sheep and now hubby is into goats lol. The goat meat is very popular. I filled the old milk parlour with meat rabbits (90) and there are still birds and cats of all sorts running around here. This place is literally a zoo! Hopefully things will settle down a bit and I can get back to other things like checking in here more often.Amy sue, you are really getting into the horses. No calves any more?
Hi Marsha,Shari, it's good to hear from you. I've thought of Maggie often and wondered how she is doing.
I just wanted to say Hi and let you know you'll be seeing me around the forum more and more. I'm the Lead Technical Admin to keep things working, and backing up Mona and Vertical Limit in keeping all the wild parties fun.
I thought it would be fun to have an on-going photo thread of your barns or where your horses bed down. So share a few photos, great to include your minis in them too!
This is our place when we first moved here 11 years ago. Michael had to construct stalls, for all the kids,
as it was just a large open cavern. Previous owner built it for a shop where he did lazer cut outs and various
other projects.
Stalls are all 10x12, tongue and grove divider walls with stainless steel chew rails, matted stalls and aisle ways
Everything is screwed together so it can easily be re-conformed at any time.
I'm sure I've more 'lived in' photos but didn't have to search for these.
Outdoors the stallions are in 50x60 paddocks with an aisle as a secondary line of defense between them and the girls.
We don't breed any longer so we and they are all retired. The 'kids' range in age from 7 to 18 now. Where did those years go?
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View attachment 39235 View attachment 39236 We had a quonset hut on our property when we bought it. Once we cleaned it out thoroughly, turned it into a "barn" for the horses to use when they have to come in from their paddock. Two stalls, one that has some outdoor space (about 12'x18') and one that is completely covered (about 14'x16'), a 6'x18' storage area, water to both stalls and open on both ends for good airflow, flooring is 1" rubber stall mats over the existing floor. I keep shavings in one stall . . . no bedding in the other.