Goodness, she looks more like she's carrying a thoroughbred than a mini! Keeping her and the little one in my prayers.
What brand strips are you using? I only have experience with the swimming pool test strips. Last year I diluted with distilled water and this year I did it straight...no difference. Likely the strips designed for foaling are much more accurate.Vickie, that is what I thought too...and it changed FAST...but will just the beginnings, clear fluid test out like that before it is even yellow or white? It was stick but completely clear... And I didn't mix it with distilled water etc like I have read some do, I put it directly on the strip...is this still accurate??
With my limited experience I do think the answer is yes. Simply because when mine was clear it was nowhere in the range. Sticky does mean she is close; again, at least in my limited experience. Sending positive thoughts your way. Tomorrow being Friday, will you be around on weekend to keep close watch on her?They are also the swimming pool strips, I read that the foaling are the exact same, only marked "for horses" will the clear fluid test accurately?
Ok, I have been skimming through your thread. She is how far away from you and are you able to watch her on cam but the public cannot? How many kiddos are with you and how old are they? When is husband due home? Sorry, I am not on the forum as much as I would like to be.I don't work AND my little guy has no school tomorrow so I am FREE and through the weekend too. My only limitation is my hubby is out of town so I can't just leave the kids here and go camp out. I am going to just probably stay up tonight and at the slightest hint, pack them up and head over.