I just can’t get over how trusting this little horse has become
We have been very busy lately and working very hard!
Things we have been working on, sometimes twice a day:
*Tire pulling - at first he didn’t know how to pull the tire and he felt like something was holding him back. I asked him to walk forward but he couldn’t figure out how and started pawing. That told me that he wanted to please but just couldn’t figure it, it was really cute. He finally got the hang of it after some encouraging. He now can trot while pulling the tire, he is a tire pulling fool
*Travios - that only took a NY minute. He is use to things hanging all over him

and is quickly getting use to my wicked ways LOL
*The bike - since he has been going so much with me & Breezy he is already use to the bike. Today was the first day I hitched him, he did great! While hitched, he first walked on the halter, then i ground drove him in his bridle. He did get a little nervous when I asked him to trot with the bike attached but calmed down rather quickly. We walked over bumps so he can get the feel and hear the noises from that. Tonight or tomorrow we will be going over more bumps to get him even more desensitized to how the shafts move and feel. When tied up hitched he is figuring out he can’t move sideways very much, he tries to move his butt over to the fence but those darn shafts keep getting in the way

I might be able to get IN the cart this weekend, we will see how his progress continues, he will let me know when he is ready, there is absolutely no rush. I will get my heavier cart out for our first drive together and I will have hubby helping me….or at least have hubby ready to call 911

*In addition to the above training, Bentley continues to go with me & Breezy on our daily neighborhood outings and our adventures away from home.

He is much bigger than Breezy. When I am carting Breezy and ask for the canter, Bentley only has to trot to keep up. He is definitely a busy body and is not happy doing nothing, he gets bored rather easily. Surprisingly he is very good at standing still while I walk all around, but then again that isn’t doing nothing, that is standing still waiting for his next cue. He very much enjoys challenges and learning new things

Things are about to get real exciting!