MiLo Minis said:
Leia, I agree that there is nothing wrong with striving to make our horses comfortable but I have never seen a horse that wasn't comfortable and wasn't doing
anything to let me know
even if he didn't know there were other bits or equipment out there
Ah, but how many novice drivers know how to read the signs of a stoic horse who is putting up with something as opposed to comfortable?
It took me a long time to realize how unhappy Kody was with his bit and I'd been riding competitively for years. I thought it was just my hands! (And a lot of it WAS my hands, but he also hated the bit. LOL)
The other thing that made me say that is the way humans and animals both tend to put up with things because that's all we've ever known. A horse who is raised in a barn tends to find his stall comfortable and safe, but a horse who is used to more room finds it confining and boring. In this case a horse who is used to (for instance) a straight breastcollar or a heavy cart with bad suspension handles those things well until he is shown there's a more comfortable way to do things. Then he tends to object to what suited him fine before! So to my way of thinking that theoretical horse wasn't complaining not because he wasn't uncomfortable but because he assumed that's what driving was like and he just accepted it as a matter of course. (I've run into that so often that I purposefully started Turbo in a straight breastcollar, comfortable treeless saddle and my show cart so he would think everything after that was an upgrade and not The Way Things Should Be!
Now all that said, I agree with you that if it truly ain't broke, don't fix it. But most of those cheapie mini bits are ATROCIOUS and IMO ought to be replaced immediately just on principle.
Not with an expensive Myler or anything fancy necessarily but a good $20 stainless steel Weaver brand snaffle or mullen instead of the pinching, nickle-plated $6 ones that come with the harnesses. We've seen both pictures and video of Leeana's mare now and I was pretty sure that's what she had given the information Leeana had provided. Hence my saying what I did! I agree that you don't upgrade just for the sake of upgrading but I assumed there was need based on the situation and the owner's feedback.
Minimor said:
Many people don't seem to care, but I refuse to buy a bit that has bumps on the bars of the mouthpiece. IMO it is a sign of a poorly constructed bit and worse—the majority of the pressure from the bit is centered under those two bumps.
I agree with you but have noticed horses seem to like all sorts of bits I would have thought were uncomfortable. I'm willing to try it on T as he's got such a narrow mouth I suspect the bumps will rest between his bars and his tongue rather than directly on the bars and he'll probably like the increased diameter. That is one reason I purchased the bean link bit rather than the French Link from her though- the higher-quality bean bit didn't have the bumps on the underside of the mouthpiece, had more curve to the mouthpiece, and the link in the middle was a smooth, round lozenge instead of a flat shape with thin edges. I figured if I was a horse I wouldn't want that biting into my tongue! But most of them seem to like that bit so who knows.
Reble said:
oops sorry not quite the same bit.. sorry
bought mine from Mini express
picture of my bit...
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I've always thought that one looked like it could pinch on the sides. Anyone had any problems with that in running your finger or a panty hose up the sides?