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I posted. I am someone who aims to breed for show quality, not pet quality.
You said AIMS to breed ... does that mean you are not a breeder yet? I was thinking you had been a breeder for a long time with a long line of winning horses. Sorry if I was under the wrong impression.
Hey Mini Mouse --

Yeah, I don't know where you've gotten your impressions of me but I have had only one home bred foal so far, a multi champion gelding. Instead of just jumping in and breeding from the start, what I did was first enjoy my minis as pets and driving animals, then I started to show and got more serious about my caliber of show horse, and then decided breed the horses I have that have what it takes to do well at shows. So, while I have many winning show horses in my program, I've held off breeding them until now. Doing it this way is what made sense to me, and what I feel good about.

Mine are the best. Although their sire is from a great bloodline and has won many competitions I chose to geld my since I will never be breeding or showing. I got them for my own enjoyment as pets and they are great at that. They can shake hands, bow, rear on command and give plenty of horsey kisses which I love.

They are my babies and I love them the best .. lol

Hey Mini Mouse --

Yeah, I don't know where you've gotten your impressions of me but I have had only one home bred foal so far, a multi champion gelding. Instead of just jumping in and breeding from the start, what I did was first enjoy my minis as pets and driving animals, then I started to show and got more serious about my caliber of show horse, and then decided breed the horses I have that have what it takes to do well at shows. So, while I have many winning show horses in my program, I've held off breeding them until now. Doing it this way is what made sense to me, and what I feel good about.

Well, I hope you get some nice foals that are as good or better than you have.

Good Luck!
When we "aim" to breed for something, it doesn't matter if we have bred before or not, to aim for something just means it is to set a goal, so I believe that what Jill means, is that it is her goal to breed for show and not pet quality, as is the goal of many.

I posted. I am someone who aims to breed for show quality, not pet quality.
You said AIMS to breed ... does that mean you are not a breeder yet? I was thinking you had been a breeder for a long time with a long line of winning horses. Sorry if I was under the wrong impression.
Mine are the best. Although their sire is from a great bloodline and has won many competitions I chose to geld my since I will never be breeding or showing. I got them for my own enjoyment as pets and they are great at that. They can shake hands, bow, rear on command and give plenty of horsey kisses which I love.

They are my babies and I love them the best .. lol

Hey Mini Mouse --

Yeah, I don't know where you've gotten your impressions of me but I have had only one home bred foal so far, a multi champion gelding. Instead of just jumping in and breeding from the start, what I did was first enjoy my minis as pets and driving animals, then I started to show and got more serious about my caliber of show horse, and then decided breed the horses I have that have what it takes to do well at shows. So, while I have many winning show horses in my program, I've held off breeding them until now. Doing it this way is what made sense to me, and what I feel good about.

Well, I hope you get some nice foals that are as good or better than you have.

Good Luck!
Yes Mona, she clarified that for me in this post. Thank you.
I think George said it best everyone has to start somewhere and the first minis most of us have bought are not the ones who we will eventually end up with especially those who are trying to make a business of it I do think there is a big difference between those who are trying to make a business from these little horses and those who just want a few for their own enjoyment in terms of what we see as best characteristics as for breeding I do think that everyone on this board tries to better what they have in terms of conformation to do what their particular love is. Whether it is halter or driving or jumping or whatever. What I have learned from this thread is that everyone has a best in mind and that the criteria for this best varies from one person to another depending on the use they see as important. No one wants to breed cripple roach backed babies with off bites at least I dont think they do. They want sound horses with the form to function to do whatever their chosen use is and this goal may take many years to achieve something all of us forget sometimes especially if we already have reached our goals and often posters come across as know it alls or condescending because they have already been through those days of realization that they dont have the best show horse or the best conformed or whatever while others are just coming to that place. Some were lucky enough to have finances enough to buy the best of the best to start with but many not only didnt have the resources to do that but also didnt have the knowledge to know the difference and that all comes with time and research it doesnt happen overnight. And that is one of the things that makes this board such a wonderful place to learn.
Very good post, Backwoodsnanny :)

Susan O.
I also think that there are some people here who would rather think this or that person acts like a know it all or condescending when really, the person they want to feel that way about just is someone they feel jealous over.

There are SO MANY people on this board who have horses and accomplishments I admire greatly and that has been the case for so many years. To me, rather than sit and stew about someone being happy with what they should be happy about, it works out better to try and incorporate some of what they've been able to do well into my own herd or horsemanship.

A lot of those people that can get their nose out of joint about one person being proud of a show title will sing the praises of another who is rightly proud of having her horse trained to drive (or do a trick). And then there are other people who just don't like or appreciate when someone is proud of what they have (and have worked hard for and made some tough choices to acheive).

It can almost feel like you're well liked by that "group", right up until you have something "major" happen in your favor. But, oh well... the only way to avoid that group talking about you negatively is to not acheive or improve and that doesn't sound like much fun to this long time LB member.
I think mine are the best and each for different reasons.

Little Man is the best because he will do anything I ask of him and I have a niece that thinks he is the best thing she has discovered yet. Their bond is astounding to watch.

Lady is the best because she has overcome so much to learn to trust again and shows us every day how far she has come.

Dawn is the best because she loves everyone and can always get a smile, she is the herd clown and the official greeter.

Joe is the best because he is the most well mannered stallion I have ever seen.

Legacy is the best because she is our baby doll that is always wanting a kiss.

Maggie is the best because she is so sweet with everybody.

Dandy is the best because he has such a desire to learn.

They are also the best munchie eaters I have ever seen, I would put them up against anybody's horses in a snack begging competition.

I am not a breeder and don't show mine but they are the best for us and are members of our family for life.

I also think that there are some people here who would rather think this or that person acts like a know it all or condescending when really, the person they want to feel that way about just is someone they feel jealous over.

There are SO MANY people on this board who have horses and accomplishments I admire greatly and that has been the case for so many years. To me, rather than sit and stew about someone being happy with what they should be happy about, it works out better to try and incorporate some of what they've been able to do well into my own herd or horsemanship.

A lot of those people that can get their nose out of joint about one person being proud of a show title will sing the praises of another who is rightly proud of having her horse trained to drive (or do a trick). And then there are other people who just don't like or appreciate when someone is proud of what they have (and have worked hard for and made some tough choices to acheive).

It can almost feel like you're well liked by that "group", right up until you have something "major" happen in your favor. But, oh well... the only way to avoid that group talking about you negatively is to not acheive or improve and that doesn't sound like much fun to this long time LB member.
Am I gonna have to get my "ring" out ... you lost me on this post ..
Jill you lost me on that post. :DOH! At this house EVERYBODY 4 legged and two legged has a job and being the best at what they do is top priority. I have had horses for many many years and work with all types on a daily basis and get offered horses [all breeds and qualities] all the time. Its far far easier to love a good horse than a bad one. Believe me if it comes to my house and stays it HAS to be good and if I sell one it has to be even better. The first mini I bought in 1983 was a mare. She was sweet and gentle and great for a 4 year old but her conformation was such I NEVER bred her. Can't say the same of the people I bought her from or the people I sold her to but everyone has different tastes. I still say I have the best, though hubby and I are still working on who is the Best farrier. Guess its him as he was Best first!
Linda Best
Well I guess mine must be the best,
because given the opportunity to trade any of them for any horse or horses owned by any forum member (or anyone else for that matter) I would have to say no thank you, I will keep what I have.
I have the horses I want--I bought some breeding stock that I liked & have come up with foals that have turned out to be quite suitable for what I want. Are they perfect? No, I know what their faults are just as I know what their strengths are. I am happy with what I have and they are the best ones for me!

A lot of those people that can get their nose out of joint about one person being proud of a show title will sing the praises of another who is rightly proud of having her horse trained to drive (or do a trick). And then there are other people who just don't like or appreciate when someone is proud of what they have (and have worked hard for and made some tough choices to acheive).
I've never seen anyone not liking people to be proud of what they have; I think just about everyone is proud of the horses they have, as they should be. As we have seen on this thread, there are many different reasons for people to be proud of their horses--pride isn't just for the winning show horses. What I have seen is people who get tired of incessant bragging--proud is one thing, constant bragging is something else entirely--that gets old pretty quick, even when one isn't at all jealous. Certainly jealousy exists in some cases, but isn't as common as some like to believe.
What I have seen is people who get tired of incessant bragging--proud is one thing, constant bragging is something else entirely--that gets old pretty quick, even when one isn't at all jealous.
Boy you hit the nail right on the head with that statement!

I can say for a fact I'm not jealous of anyone, I do have an admiration for and look up to a few breeders like Lost Spoke, Critter Creek, and Mini Eagle (I would take Alliance Piano Man and Lost Spoke's Winter Dream Catcher in a heartbeat!!
) I'm happy with what I have at the moment.. Is there room for improvement? Yep and I realize that, but for the time being what I have is the best for the time being and my checkbook.. Once I finish college here in the next 6 months, establish a career and get some of my student loans paid off then I can focus on improving my herd..
quote) Well I guess mine must be the best, because given the opportunity to trade any of them for any horse or horses owned by any forum member (or anyone else for that matter) I would have to say no thank you, I will keep what I have.

I have to agree with you on this Minimor .. I wouldn't trade my horses for any other either, no matter how famous. I might would like to have it (although I don't know what I would do with it) but not at the price of trading mine. Mine aren't for breeding or showing or selling they are just for loving .. and that I do.
It can almost feel like you're well liked by that "group", right up until you have something "major" happen in your favor. But, oh well... the only way to avoid that group talking about you negatively is to not acheive or improve and that doesn't sound like much fun to this long time LB member.
Just curious, did a horse that you bred achieve something major Jill? If so then you have a right to be proud of your breeding. Who was it and what did he/she achieve?
Lori --

The one horse I have bred to date acheived multi champion titles. However, I feel justified in being proud of all my sucessful horses
You can check out my show results page if you wonder what show wins I may be rightfully proud of.

It can almost feel like you're well liked by that "group", right up until you have something "major" happen in your favor. But, oh well... the only way to avoid that group talking about you negatively is to not acheive or improve and that doesn't sound like much fun to this long time LB member.
Just curious, did a horse that you bred achieve something major Jill? If so then you have a right to be proud of your breeding. Who was it and what did he/she achieve?

Jill's post wasn't necessarily about her or her horses, was it? So what difference does it make?
Besides, I think most here (including yourself) already know how well horses she owns but may not have bred have done, and if not it's fairly easy to go to her website to see without "calling her out."
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Thanks, Nicole
And, you know, the reality is at the end of the day or even the middle of the afternoon -- someone's petty snipe doesn't take away from how I feel about my hoofed wonders
We don't have the best so being second best we love them the same as the best of the best...
Lori --

The one horse I have bred to date acheived multi champion titles. However, I feel justified in being proud of all my sucessful horses
You can check out my show results page if you wonder what show wins I may be rightfully proud of.

Thanks Jill - I will go take a look. And Nicole, I hadn't heard of any major wins from one of Jill's horses so I was JUST CURIOUS what major win she was referring to in her post which I read as being about her, not sure why she would have been referring to anyone else.

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