bfogg, Bonnie...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2003
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Bonnie, I was wondering about readings on puppies. Do they come across as young, like they are, or can you tell if they were here before?


Hi Barb,

I will only speak for myself and my experiences as i know their are other communicators on here.

A puppy will come across to me as themselves,for instance this puppy was very conscious of where his pain was and very aware of it. I did not do a real reading as i just wanted to feel where the pain was.

Puppies are like people in that some are with it and some aren't, some are smart for their age and some not so.

They do not however have many life experiences to talk about usually.

Hope this helps?

[SIZE=14pt]Bonnie, How did you know to e mail me? I was thinking about getting a hold of you but I know you are busy at school. Did this puppy look for you? He looks deep into my eyes at times....not a normal corgi trait they usually avoid direct eye contact unless they are herding and then they get the animals attention by staring. I was thinking it was his shoulder like you said or his whole left side like you said.... I had forgotten that the children here to pick up another puppy did pick him up and hold him . I caught him once when he started to fall. The boy was sitting on a chair and he was slipping off his lap. I was busy with mom and the paperwork. I feel so bad for letting them hold him but they were not small kids.[/SIZE]

I did not want to post until Lyn did if she did.

But the puppy let me feel him and he does have quite a painful left front leg and shoulder and some ribs and a couple other minor things, I also saw a child holding him very tightly and squeezing then dropping him.

And Lyn sent me what she posted here.

I hope it works out for everyone puppies are reselient so lets think positive it was nobodys fault.

I am glad to hear that Bonnie was able to help with Lyn's puppy.....

Sometimes a puppy can have "an old soul" and comes across as older. And the

opposite can happen too. For instance, an old dog I recently read for a family member

came across as a very simple thinking animal because she was going senile.

[SIZE=14pt]This is still very hard for me to understand.... Im just taking things as they come..... this puppy's eyes are very different now that he has shown Bonnie where it hurts and what happened. We are going to the vets at 530 to have him checked and maybe we can get him some medicine for the pain but. He seems more relaxed. His breathing is slower and his eyes jus look different. Not as scared. He can walk and eat and do his business and doesnt yelp all the time but sometimes even when he is laying on his side he criec when he rights himself. He is sleeping now. It was a really busy weekend and things were hectic but when Bonnie PMd me and asked me about the child.... I remembered little Gwennas family of 4 that was here. The boys were rather rambunctious. And the middle one did hold this puppy and start to drop him. He may have dropped him aside from that. Bad lesson to learn.[/SIZE]

I was able to do some work with him Lyn because I am also an empath and can do things I have not talked about on here.

Remember now it is not what i get it is what THEY TELL me.

Glad I could help.

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[SIZE=14pt]Just got back from taking the little man to the vet. He examined him from stem to stern, checked for broken bones, seizure activity everything and the puppy never cried out once! Range of motion exercise, even lightly shaking no pain noted. Whatever Bonnie did..... he hurts very little now at least he didnt tell Dr Phil he hurt anywhere. Pronounced him a clean bill of health. So unless it is muscle soreness from the drop/slide saturday he is feeling much better. Bonnie, I dont understand all of this ....wish I did!!! Wish I had even just the understanding of my "kids" . (sometimes I feel like I do but not all of them).....Thanks from the bottom of both our hearts. Now on the way home he did yelp once but I had to hold him tight because he was trying to climb off my lap. This has been another amazing experience!

[SIZE=14pt]He has yelped a couple of times since we got home ... Bonnie, does he do it because it gets him attention? He was at the vets allmost an hour, no yelp. home he has done it twice. Maybe he is just a chirper rather than a whiner? [/SIZE]

Dr Phil did say that soft tissue injury like muscle soreness comes and goes but he will be fine in the long run. He must be a very dramatic little boy..... some are drama kings and queens.

No Lyn he yelps because he is still sore, it is right at the tip of his left shoulder almost at the withers,let me see what he says,he says his last 2 ribs are still a bit sore,

stifle is no longer sore nor is the place near the tail sore anymore. I did not think he should not see the vet in case ribs were out or broken, seems like their not!!!!

Tomorrow if you leave me a message (you know my lack of memory) I will see if call in our angels and put them to work!

He may be right as rain tomorrow lets hope so anyway.

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Yea Bonnie Does It Again

Lyn, what Bonnie does cannot be explained, just appreciated by those of us she's helped. Sometimes, when she relays information from our animals, we may not "get it" immediately.....perhaps days or weeks later.

The beauty of Bonnie's gift is that it provides an opportunity to learn something (whatever it might be for an individual) from our animals. I'd share an experience regarding a matron mare who wanted to share wisdom with us, but it's too personal and precious.

Hugs to you and your precious puppy! By the way, David has a Blue Heeler pup waiting to come "home" in mid-December....he's named him Churchill.

[SIZE=14pt]Well little puppy man is bouncing around his xpen, trying to come out..... pulling on my nightgown.... very much improved! I may even let him sleep with his sister tonight...they are both miserable separate. Howling for company. I just didnt want her corgi wrestling to hurt him more. Thanks again Bonnie. ....... I believe!

Oh Lyn, I'm so happy he's ok and that our Bonnie is here in this miserable world to bring bits of joy "like this" to those who need it. Aren't we the lucky ones who do "believe"?
[SIZE=14pt]Baby is right as rain this morning. Back to his old self. Thanks Bonnie for loving and caring and healing.[/SIZE]


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