My mini, Tiffany, is struggling now with the same issue. The frozen ground triggers it every winter. She does get some relief from wearing her EZ boots. I leave them on for a few days then off, and rotate them.
I put his boots on this evening. Thanks for the reminder.My mini, Tiffany, is struggling now with the same issue. The frozen ground triggers it every winter. She does get some relief from wearing her EZ boots. I leave them on for a few days then off, and rotate them.
How is Billy this afternoon/evening? I wish he could tell you the answer to help him.I'm pretty discouraged. Billy could hardly walk this morning. He's been on dry lot and a quarter of equiox pill for pain every day. It could be laminitis, but another concern is arthritis--I always ask him to stretch his hind leg up to the belly when I groom. It's never easy for him, but lately he cannot seem to get his leg all the way up. I'm thinking arthritis is more his problem than sore feet. He had Adequan last week. I turned him out into the dead-grass pasture today as maybe moving around more with Rusty will help him. Also gave him banamine this morning. I wish I knew what to do that was best.
btw, Rusty has reverted to suspicion and hard-to-catch since the dentist. Weather and life have not been conducive to working with him. I did take him for two long walks the other day. Once you catch him, he is pretty docile. Billy panicked when Rusty was gone for the walks.