Bonny Questions

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Thats True!

Then I read this on equine repro site:


Does anyone have any Ultra Sound pics they could post from the 6/7 month or later? I have surfed the web but cant seem to find any that far along. I watched my vet do the ultra sound and would like to see something to compare what I saw. I really appreciate any help. Thankyou!


Ultrasound images at that point, unless of specifics such as CTUP or orbital diameter, are not generally used, as only a small amount of the fetus will be visible. It's not like humans, where a considerable portion of the fetus is visible.

So it makes me wonder if the US could see if she was in that time frame from an abdominal....
My best friend is also my vet , She is also a member of this forum when she has time. We ultrasound our mares at 3 different times. the last time Indy was ultrasounded was in Jan or Feb Icant remember. She foaled last week. We saw the baby.

Both Cheryl and I have a TON of experience with pregnant or not pregnant mares. I am positive Bonny is not pregnant. The signs you were mentioning, loose stools, lax vulva, bagging these are end of pregnancy like the stools are last 3 days or less..... your mare just doesnt fit any of these.

You are going to make yourself a nerveous wreck if you keep looking for signs.

I know how you are feeling believe me.

LOL, I am not really a wreck. I just seem like it.

Actually I watched the US and it only looked like GI to me. The background was a light gray color. No hint of a foal to me.

My Guess is that if she is bred she took from feb. And the vet said he wasnt experienced enough to find a small 60-70 day fetus.

Thanks again Lyn for all your help.
It's amazing how few Vets there are that can find a mini baby using ultrasound. Lyn, does your Vet have alot of experience with Minis? My mini was ultrasounded at 139 days and the Vet said "he couldn't find a baby, but that didn't mean there wasn't one". She sure looks pregnant!

Bonny, will you do a blood test now? How many days does your Vet say she should be to do the blood test? You probably told me and I forget. My Vet will be here on Friday. It will be day 181 for Cookie if she is pregnant, dang I wish she didn't look so pregnant!!!!!!! Will a blood test be 100% acurate at 181 days??

I wish she would loose weight already from her diet if she isn't pregnant. What the heck?????

Joyce, My vet said 60 days but everything I read says over 80 and close to 100 for best results.

If you can have your vet do an estrogen sulfate blood test.. That checks for foal viability.

As for Bonny I am truely doubting she is close to foaling and I am guessing that if she is bred its from feb. I will have her blood work checked again after the first or second week of may.

Joyce could you post new pics of Cookie?
Our vet is experianced. She wants the mares at least 45-60s to find them internally. You wouldnt find them externally that young I dont beleive.

Personally if it were me, I would get her in better shape before trying to breed her if that is your plan. YOu will have better luck getting her in foal.
Personally if it were me, I would get her in better shape before trying to breed her if that is your plan. YOu will have better luck getting her in foal.
Ashley, I wish you would elaborate. I am not sure why you think she needs better nutrition and weight.

I am not trying to be ugly just wondering what your thinking and what you would do differently.

She gets 1lb 3xdaily of safe choice and she has hay 24/7. Our pasture has some grasses but not a lot.
Part of her look is her body build. HOwever you can tell there is areas she is lacking in.

I feed by the KISS Method. My horses get sweet feed, oats and grass or grass/alfalfa mix depending on what I can get. They also get beat pulp.

My horses range from 2-18. They all get different amounts. The ones that need more get stalled to get fed.

The minimum my horses get is 2 cups beat pulp and 1 1/2 cup of grain and then a half a flake of hay, fed twice aday.

The most they get is a full flake of hay, 4 cups of beat pulp and 4 cups of grain(this is for my older broodmares). Fed twice a day.

My pony gets the same as the broodmare but 6 cups of grain.

My horses have gotten some grass but not much as its spring. When they get grass they dont get hay.

None of my horses have those bellys unless they are nurseing or preggers.

The better the body condition the better the chance they get in foal. My mares have never missed a year that I have bred them. Most settle on the first try.
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Thanks Ashley,

I havent heard of the Kiss method. Could you explain. I agree I think part of the reason she looks so wide is because she is narrow in the chest.

I am not sure that you answered my question. I guess what I mean to ask is why do you feel she is under nourished? Do you feel that she needs extra grain? I actually prefer a pelleted feed to sweet but thats just my preference. At one point you mentioned her nutrition vs her weight. Maybe I am just thinking you meant nutrition instead of weight. to me there is a difference. as a horse can be filled with non nutritious food vs a quality feed.

Thanks for replying, I truly appreciate it. First and foremost I want whats best for my girl!
Bonny, KISS is: Keep It Simple Stupid!
That explains why I didnt now it...LOL

Yea, Joyce The vet told me to back off the grain and just let her have hay and pasture....

But I think she needs the extras she can gets from the safechoice.

BTW did you get my pm??
Maybe I am just thinking you meant nutrition instead of weight. to me there is a difference. as a horse can be filled with non nutritious food vs a quality feed.
I have never used safechoice so I dont know what its like. I have never liked any of the "bagged" feeds so I went back to what worked for me.

My opinion she needs more/better grain less hay.

What I feed my kids works for them. None are overly fat. In fact I am going to boost to of them up more as I would like to get a bit more on them when they are nurseing.

The pony is on exactly what he came to me on. I have little to no bellies, and you cant feel any ribs, back bone or hips beyond what is normal.
Ok, I understand, Thank you for your opinion.

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