Just finished! I enjoyed it, and I'd love to read the rest of the series!
I read the print copy, Kim, and the editing certainly did leave a lot to be desired - I noticed missed punctuation, wrong names and yes, the email typo. I did spend quite a lot of time mentally editing while I read, but I think it's a credit to the strength of the story itself that I still enjoyed it.
I agree that it was very late in the story for the first introduction of the murderer, and I'm not sure about the switching from first to third person POV - a little jarring. I'm also not a fan of the super short chapters (usually I don't even notice chapter breaks, but these came so often I couldn't help it!) and the obvious "please keep reading" last sentences of each of the early chapters. Felt like an attempt to manufacture tension to me. ie - "Actually, I was the reason my mother walked with a cane." Same with the last sentence of the book ... but then maybe I don't read enough cozys, and it's a common device in the genre.
Okay, that all sounds like I didn't enjoy the book, I really did! The first chapter absolutely blew me away - I was right there at that runaway, and I was all teary by the time I found out the horse was all right. It was a very enjoyable read, all in all, and I'd like to spend more time with the characters.