building your own stalls

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2004
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We just got the shell of our barn finished and I need some barn stall ideas. My horses have a tendency to chew each others tails so im looking for something with solid sides atleast 48" tall. Please post pictures of the stalls you ahve done yourself....thank you.
I have pictures of mine on my website. Click on the Farm Tour page.
Chewing tails? You may want to consider why as the stalls alone are not the answer. Do you have enough vit/min in their diets? Are you sure they are doing it and not tail rubbing -- maybe deworming isn't working, so adjust time, amount, type dewormer?

Just suggesting that this isn't a habit I've had in a herd of 40+ over many years. Now, sometimes goats will do this to them -- even that wasn't a problem with my goats in pastures with them but, it does occassionally happen.
Doesn't have to be worms. My stallion doesn't LIFT his tail enough and his hinney, and tail dock, is always dirty - therefore, if we don't clean him up regularly, he starts to rub.

Oh, forgot the question. Here's what we have from Woodstar.

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Thank you Bess, im well aware of the reasons the horse might eat thier tails. Not all of them do it and it is out of boredome. Im sure your 40+ horses are not stalled and worked daily. It sure would be nice if you could just come on these forums and ask for what you need and recieve it! Nevermind on the stalls and pics, and for those that have posted Thank you, im sure we will figure it out......
Doesn't have to be worms. My stallion doesn't LIFT his tail enough and his hinney, and tail dock, is always dirty - therefore, if we don't clean him up regularly, he starts to rub.

Oh, forgot the question. Here's what we have from Woodstar.

Oh your stalls are so cute!
Good idea!
Doesn't have to be worms. My stallion doesn't LIFT his tail enough and his hinney, and tail dock, is always dirty - therefore, if we don't clean him up regularly, he starts to rub.

Oh, forgot the question. Here's what we have from Woodstar.

I am in love with these stalls! I want my future barn to look just like yours!

Jennifer, I just made stalls a few weeks ago at our place. When I go home next week, I'll take a few pictures for you.
I love when I ask questions because I get so many different points of view and knowledge from people who have been in the mini business for FAR longer than I have, like Bess Kelly. Some people may not have considered worms or vitamin/mineral deficiency, I believe Bess Kelly was just trying to help. If you hadn't considered it yet(NOT saying you aren't very knowledgeable...everyone forgets to dot the i's and cross the t's every now and then), her suggestions could have really helped both you and your horses, right? Have to think of it that way sometimes! If you are looking for exact answers and not up to hearing the different points of view without feeling degraded, I find that Google is a wonderful, wonderful little tool.

Good luck with your stalls. I love Sandee's stalls and think they'd work really well for you. No tail chewing, but the horses could still get to peak around
Jeez people, I think Bess was just trying to be helpful...

Sandee, your stalls are wonderful.
We divided ours with Priefert panels - upside is that you can see down the length of the barn on the cameras but if I had it to do over again I would use a solid base of maybe 2' and put the panels above that to make the stall divisions a little taller.


Doesn't really show the dividers but they are longer versions of the stall gates. Stalls are approx 7 x 14, and dividers can be pretty easily removed to double size for foaling stalls, etc.

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Jeez people, I think Bess was just trying to be helpful...

Sandee, your stalls are wonderful.
We divided ours with Priefert panels - upside is that you can see down the length of the barn on the cameras but if I had it to do over again I would use a solid base of maybe 2' and put the panels above that to make the stall divisions a little taller.


Doesn't really show the dividers but they are longer versions of the stall gates. Stalls are approx 7 x 14, and dividers can be pretty easily removed to double size for foaling stalls, etc.

Wildoak, thank you, I had seen your stalls before and really like them, I could not remember how you had the walls and gates, this is what I am looking for, big help. The other stalls are cute, my horses range from 44"-48" so the little ones would not quiet do the job. I am sure Bess was trying to be hepful, but I assure you the horses I own receive the best of care and see the vet on regular basis..If I was worried they were missing something then I would have posted about that, but instead just asked for photos of home made stalls. Thank you for responding to the stalls. I have done several searches as well, but you don't find many homemade stalls that are on google..but again thanks for the tip! .no de worming problems or mineral deficiencies here, just plain boredom, not to mention they are SHETLANDS...OMG I know it not safe to use that word here, but they are moderns and tend to run a little high strung, that would be the answer for 2 tail chewers out of the bunch....
Sandee your stalls are just like mine...from Woodstar except that I had the silver and hardware powder coated Green instead. And we did have the dividers done as 13 ft. which makes the stalls 8x13. I was so happy with them. My only complaint and I never thought of it untill I saw the others, is that they can only look out the front and not hang their heads out. I also wish I had ordered the time I only had 1 mini and thought 4 stalls would be enough...1 = horse, 1 = future horse, 1 = hay, 1 = cart and misc.......Now 7 horses later....lets just say...the next stalls dont look as pretty...I need another barn!!

Jan, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your the idea of the priefert panel door/dividers....its nice to be able to just walk by and see the "total horse". Do you have sort of a kick board on the bottom of your door or do you just sweep the shavings back into the stall.

SweetOpal isnt it fun looking at everyones barns...its so much fun getting new ideas. Good luck with your new stalls and I hope you have someone helping you...please post a few pictures when your done...P.S. did you check out MaryLous barn yet?? that is truly a "drool over barn" for me!!
I like having solid walls - even the fronts - pretty much all the way to the floor. My horses tend to be very demanding and will paw like crazy when meals are coming their way - they do a pretty good job of banging on the door so I would be worried about a hoof getting caught. My front doors are all about 31" tall so they can all hang their heads over the top and the walls are "slide in" walls that I can build up to as tall as I need them if one of the "neighbors" gets cranky. I do freely admit that during weaning the foals can jump out the front doors if they get really worked up - doesn't happen often, but it does happen -- having taller fronts with a cut-out would prevent it, but that would mean more work for my hubby and that is probably not going to happen (I need to invoke him on other projects, so better not press his good nature too far!)
Okay, when I pm'd you I only meant to give you a few tips that HORSE friends of mine who have a lot of experience in LARGE HORSES not miniatures gave to me as a friendly gesture. I guess some people just refuse to believe there is something to be learned from all corners of the world and from all kinds of people. I have the miniatures, and this tip applied to ALL breeds of horses large or small. I myself am humble, and believe there are many other people in the world with more experience and knowledge than me, I love to learn something new everyday. I will mind my own business from now on!
Okay, when I pm'd you I only meant to give you a few tips that HORSE friends of mine who have a lot of experience in LARGE HORSES not miniatures gave to me as a friendly gesture. I guess some people just refuse to believe there is something to be learned from all corners of the world and from all kinds of people. I have the miniatures, and this tip applied to ALL breeds of horses large or small. I myself am humble, and believe there are many other people in the world with more experience and knowledge than me, I love to learn something new everyday. I will mind my own business from now on!

Im still unclear as to where I asked for anything other than pictures of stalls...I appreciate the people who have posted pictures it is very helpful. But please don't PM me with your ideas of why my horse chewed 2 tails....I am not concerned with why she does it, just want solid wall barn ideas. The mare is spoiled rotten and plain and simple didn't like her neighbor, please get past that!
Absolutely loving the stalls, particularly the ones you can see all the way down, thanks for sharing, and to op for starting this post. Just have to add tho, if they are bored sweet opal, they are not happy, isnt there anywhere you can let them out to graze with each other and be horses?
Just to clarify, "Straight Listerine on manes and tails works wonders!" Because it stopped my foal from tail chewing, is NOT telling you why I think your horses are chewing hair. I was excited that it worked so well so that I would not see my beautiful horses tails disappear.

To my friends, thank you. You provide an invaluable service to all of us. Your very kind.
Jeez people, I think Bess was just trying to be helpful...

Sandee, your stalls are wonderful.
We divided ours with Priefert panels - upside is that you can see down the length of the barn on the cameras but if I had it to do over again I would use a solid base of maybe 2' and put the panels above that to make the stall divisions a little taller.


Doesn't really show the dividers but they are longer versions of the stall gates. Stalls are approx 7 x 14, and dividers can be pretty easily removed to double size for foaling stalls, etc.

Great idea and design! The two barns we've had were with big horses in mind, so they wouldn't be too helpful.
Don't have photos of my stalls, but we used 1 by 12 lumber. We also didn't want them to be able to reach each other, but did leave a small--approx 1/2 inch space between some boards so air could circulate a bit and the horses could see their buddy or at least hear them snort through the walls. We wean with a buddy in a stall together and once the weaning process is complete, we move one to the stall next door. I also have a couple of older ones that like to know they are not the only ones in the barn so I make sure they have a buddy next door. Mine cannot see over the door because I didn't want them to be able to jump out if I put a larger one in. They have the same spaces in the wood in the door also, so can see a bit into the aisle.
OK, sorry to butt in here, but, just to pick hairs, if you did not wish the fact that your horses were rubbing their tails to be taken into consideration it might have been best not to put that info in, in the first place?

Basically, if you only want comments on a specific thing it is best just to put that specific thing or to state that you know what is causing it and you are taking this course of action so do not need comments on it, thank you!

I know it sounds a bit crazy but I do believe you are being too sensitive, that there are many forms of worm infestation and your worming programme may well have missed something, so a very mild suggestion that this could be a cause of your base problem (after all stalling them will not prevent them from rubbing) could have saved you a lot of time and bother.

This is the way this forum works, nothing disparaging is meant by the comment, it is just someone trying to be helpful.

I see lots of really good ideas here, for stalls, but personally, I like a situation that allows animals their privacy as well as access to companionship.
OK, sorry to butt in here, but, just to pick hairs, if you did not wish the fact that your horses were rubbing their tails to be taken into consideration it might have been best not to put that info in, in the first place?

Basically, if you only want comments on a specific thing it is best just to put that specific thing or to state that you know what is causing it and you are taking this course of action so do not need comments on it, thank you!

I know it sounds a bit crazy but I do believe you are being too sensitive, that there are many forms of worm infestation and your worming programme may well have missed something, so a very mild suggestion that this could be a cause of your base problem (after all stalling them will not prevent them from rubbing) could have saved you a lot of time and bother.

This is the way this forum works, nothing disparaging is meant by the comment, it is just someone trying to be helpful.

I see lots of really good ideas here, for stalls, but personally, I like a situation that allows animals their privacy as well as access to companionship.

She never did say anything about tail rubbing. She mentioned the tail chewing because of needing stalls that her horses could not get to each other with. I, too, feel it is rude to take her simple request and take it into a whole different direction and even make it sound like she is not doing what she needs to do for her horses.
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