Well, it's finally dying down. The original boy's family who started this all is being evicted. The apartment complex is also has called DCF on the famiily so I don't know all that has happened with this boy but they have let DCF know everything. Becca is in a new class away froom the boy who threatened her with a baseball bat. We originally wanted the other boy moved as we didn't feel our daughter needed to be stressed anymore than she already was by having to change classes as well, but he couldn't be moved because of a certain education program that he could only get through the teacher he was with. Becca has been in her class for a week and a half and is doing well. We are happy as this teacher is much better than the teacher she had and actually seems to care about their education and actually checks their homework. The boy who threatened her with the baseball bat has also been told that if he ever comes on the apartment complex property again he will be arrested for trespassing. The apartment complex did this as well so they are backing us up. The school is allowing us to pick both children up at the front office. Once we started mentioning police and restraining orders the guidance counselor took it to the principal and things started getting done. They have also informed the school police.
We aren't sure now if her stomach problem was stress related or just sickness as her brother ended up sick the week after with pretty much the same thing and now her father. She got to do her "Shop with a Cop" award today. A police officer goes to a store with them and they get $150 to spend on whatever they want. She got this for being a good role model and good grades at school. She was very excited and happy when she got home. She got things for all of us as well as herself and donated a toy to Toys for Tots.
So, things have finally turned around. Everybody is happy and safe-still being careful-but everyone feels safer. So, I couldn't ask for anything more for Christmas.
We aren't sure now if her stomach problem was stress related or just sickness as her brother ended up sick the week after with pretty much the same thing and now her father. She got to do her "Shop with a Cop" award today. A police officer goes to a store with them and they get $150 to spend on whatever they want. She got this for being a good role model and good grades at school. She was very excited and happy when she got home. She got things for all of us as well as herself and donated a toy to Toys for Tots.
So, things have finally turned around. Everybody is happy and safe-still being careful-but everyone feels safer. So, I couldn't ask for anything more for Christmas.