I got a little curious to see who has what! Do you have a couple acres out on property? A farm? A ranch? An apartment? What do you got? What kind of property/outbuildings/crops? What animals?
We have 350 acres about a 1/2 hour out of town. About 150 acres of it is cleared, and we grow our own hay.
For animals, we have 1 very dumb dog named Lacey, she is a 4yo Great Pyrenees. A bunch of chickens, I have no idea what breed they are, or anything about them, I know they are layers, not met birds, and we just got 30 more yesterday, but I hate chickens so that's all I know! We have about 300 piglets, they are only a couple weeks old, and are a Yorkie Duroc cross. We have 5 sows that are also a Yorkie Duroc cross. And we have about 30 grower hogs, also Yorkie Duroc cross. We have 1 milk cow, Maggie, she is a 3/4 Jersey, 1/4 Holstein. Then her calf, Henry, who is a mix of her, and we don't know what the bull was, but he is wild! Then there is the older bottle calf, he's 1yo next month! And he again, we aren't sure, definitely some Angus in him for sure though. Then there is Garry, he is a 1yo Jersey. Then there's Stevie, we don't know what he is either, he's also 1yo. Then there are the 4 new bottle calves (just got home yesterday!), George, Marshal, Gram, and Stacey. And they are all Jerseys. So the cows are kinda a mix of everything right now, and they're all the runts and rejects no one else wants, so we get them for a very discounted price!
Oh, and I have my 2 mini donkeys, Ruby and Lilly, they are 8 and 5, I have no idea what breed though. Oh, and there's the indoor cat, Frances, she is a 3yo Mane Coone.
For outbuildings we have the one main house, as well as a smaller house right before ours that we may or may not rent out (we had renters in there up until the end of Feb, then they left). We also have the shop/grain shed. The weigh/scale/sort area thing. A round pen. The trapezoid pen (it's actually more of like a sacrifice pen, not much grass grows there, but it's in the shape of a trapezoid so....). The cows pen. The death field (this is where my girls are). The calves barn. The piglets barn. The pigs barn/hay shed in the summer. The chicken coop. And the shed that everything goes to die (it is full of literally random nothingness)
We have 10 fields right now, but we are going to log the rest of it, and turn the rest of it into hay field. But for now we have the Top Field, the Horse Pasture (no there are no horses there), the Field Below The House, the Sheep Field (yes all the sheep are gone, but they used to live there), The Death Field, the Swap Field, the Pea Field, the Field Across The Road, and the Pigs Field. Yes, we name everything lol! It's honestly not as confusing as it sounds lol! Most of the fields right now are planted in a Timothy/grass hay mix, and they are doing really well! But dad is going to plant one of the fields in a horse blend this year! So we may end up selling that hay to horse people. Oh, and we don't hay the Swap Field, or the Pigs Field, cause the pigs live in those fields over the summer, and the Death Field is usually grazed by the sheep, but I guess the cows get it this year!
Oh, and we also have the backyard that is fenced, and sometimes the girls get put in there too. The donkeys are kind of everywhere all year! We have transportable electric fence as well, so i can just move them wherever there isn't much grass.
For machinery, we have the small tractor, The Princess, and the big tractor, Little John, and a swather, a round baler, 2 square balers that are both broken, 3 rakes, one of them only semi works, 1 combine, 1 grain chopper, 1 auger, and 2 trucks.
But anyways, what do you guys have? Do any of you live on farms? Here are some pics...
We have 350 acres about a 1/2 hour out of town. About 150 acres of it is cleared, and we grow our own hay.
For animals, we have 1 very dumb dog named Lacey, she is a 4yo Great Pyrenees. A bunch of chickens, I have no idea what breed they are, or anything about them, I know they are layers, not met birds, and we just got 30 more yesterday, but I hate chickens so that's all I know! We have about 300 piglets, they are only a couple weeks old, and are a Yorkie Duroc cross. We have 5 sows that are also a Yorkie Duroc cross. And we have about 30 grower hogs, also Yorkie Duroc cross. We have 1 milk cow, Maggie, she is a 3/4 Jersey, 1/4 Holstein. Then her calf, Henry, who is a mix of her, and we don't know what the bull was, but he is wild! Then there is the older bottle calf, he's 1yo next month! And he again, we aren't sure, definitely some Angus in him for sure though. Then there is Garry, he is a 1yo Jersey. Then there's Stevie, we don't know what he is either, he's also 1yo. Then there are the 4 new bottle calves (just got home yesterday!), George, Marshal, Gram, and Stacey. And they are all Jerseys. So the cows are kinda a mix of everything right now, and they're all the runts and rejects no one else wants, so we get them for a very discounted price!

For outbuildings we have the one main house, as well as a smaller house right before ours that we may or may not rent out (we had renters in there up until the end of Feb, then they left). We also have the shop/grain shed. The weigh/scale/sort area thing. A round pen. The trapezoid pen (it's actually more of like a sacrifice pen, not much grass grows there, but it's in the shape of a trapezoid so....). The cows pen. The death field (this is where my girls are). The calves barn. The piglets barn. The pigs barn/hay shed in the summer. The chicken coop. And the shed that everything goes to die (it is full of literally random nothingness)
We have 10 fields right now, but we are going to log the rest of it, and turn the rest of it into hay field. But for now we have the Top Field, the Horse Pasture (no there are no horses there), the Field Below The House, the Sheep Field (yes all the sheep are gone, but they used to live there), The Death Field, the Swap Field, the Pea Field, the Field Across The Road, and the Pigs Field. Yes, we name everything lol! It's honestly not as confusing as it sounds lol! Most of the fields right now are planted in a Timothy/grass hay mix, and they are doing really well! But dad is going to plant one of the fields in a horse blend this year! So we may end up selling that hay to horse people. Oh, and we don't hay the Swap Field, or the Pigs Field, cause the pigs live in those fields over the summer, and the Death Field is usually grazed by the sheep, but I guess the cows get it this year!
Oh, and we also have the backyard that is fenced, and sometimes the girls get put in there too. The donkeys are kind of everywhere all year! We have transportable electric fence as well, so i can just move them wherever there isn't much grass.
For machinery, we have the small tractor, The Princess, and the big tractor, Little John, and a swather, a round baler, 2 square balers that are both broken, 3 rakes, one of them only semi works, 1 combine, 1 grain chopper, 1 auger, and 2 trucks.
But anyways, what do you guys have? Do any of you live on farms? Here are some pics...