Bute or Banamine?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
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I have heard from two or threeg long time mini owners about what to give, Bute or banamine. They all said NEVER feed a mini Bute. But why? Nobody ever gave me a reason! Is it safe or not? I'm fine with feeding either one but why is bute bad?

Banamine works better for inflammation, such as the eyes or muscles. Bute is better for extremities, such as laminitis. I think bute is very easy to overdose and that is why miniature owners need to be cautious.
Marsha is correct, it is easy to give too much to a mini, but I will say that I still do believe it effectively serves it purpose under certain circumstances ( when dosed cautiously and correctly)
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Bute is very hard on any horse's system, but especially a mini. The larger the horse, the less a small amount of over or under dosing can affect.

But bute is far more effective for some things, so give as directed by your vet.

It's the same with feeding... Weighing hay is often recommended. A pound too heavy per feeding isn't a lot for a 1,000 pound horse, but it is a lot for a 200 pound horse.
Bute is very hard on any horse's system, but especially a mini. The larger the horse, the less a small amount of over or under dosing can affect.

But bute is far more effective for some things, so give as directed by your vet.

It's the same with feeding... Weighing hay is often recommended. A pound too heavy per feeding isn't a lot for a 1,000 pound horse, but it is a lot for a 200 pound horse.
I agree with most of this, only a slight change, make sure you know the weight of your mini for dosing the bute. My vet prescribed bute for my mini assuming she was 500#, knowing better I reduced her dosage to better suit her 350# size (I wouldn't suggest you willy nilly change dosages, but I knew minis were sensitive and knew my mini wasn't 500#, so reduced accordingly). [Discuss this with your vet, know the weight of your mini, so an appropriate amount can be prescribed.]
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We stay away from Bute because of the risk of ulcers for minis.
Bute is known to cause ulcers. Knowing your mini's weight is so important to dose appropriately. I give my horses pro biotics and pepto if the vet prescribes bute so as to better prevent ulcers. I only use banamine paste or pay vet to adm. It Iv as injecting it IM is dangerous. I like banamine for internal ailments and colic and bute is good for muscle and bone pain. I also use aspirin powder in horses prone to stimach upset. You can buy weight tapes from any vet supply catalog as knowing your mini's weight is crucial to dosing appropriately.
I had a very knowledgeable and trusted mini / pony trainer recommend I give bute to my mini for leg issues she had. We discussed the pros and cons, and she explained the dosing issue. We worked out a correct dose, and it did work beautifully. I agree bute is better for muscle / bone issues. As a side note, she also recomended giving a single prevacid, approximately 2 hours after the bute dosage, to guard against ulcer issues.

My vets have given bute to my minis on several occassions, but usually IV and they are very familiar with minis, their weights, and dosages, and we've not had any problems.

By the way, I give the bute powder, it is easiest to come up with the correct dosage, rather than splitting pills, etc.
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My ex vet overdosed my pony on bute powder for founder. The toxic response to the bute was horrible and we had to put my pony down. Mouth and stomach ulsers and bleeding and slobbering from the mouth. Horrible smell. Vet diagnosed bute toxisity. Happened so quickly too. The bute made him sound..the toxic effect killed him. My husband said "the vet killed the pony then came out again to finish the job.". Got a bill for 600$ and a second bill because she forgot to add on the price of the death catheter. Had I used something else he may have been ok. Pony's former owner called me a murderer. In my mind forever. I always double check dosages now even with vet recommendation. She choose to dose high on purpose.. shadow paid the price. I hate bute but only based on this experience ..not on science. I use banamine very carefully too. I use weight tape on day of dosing on anything. Vets frequently guess high on weight especially when minis have fluffy hair.
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Bute tends to work better for orthopedic pain.

Banamine tends to work better for soft tissue pain.

Bute and Banamine are equal in their 'toxic' qualities. Giving NSIADs orally is more likely to produce ulcers than giving it as an injection as the medicine goes full strength into stomach, but frequent injections and IM injections are problematic as well.

Although either drug can be problematic, I believe the fears outweigh the real risk. I wouldn't encourage giving any drug if not needed, but the diseases/conditions these drugs treat are life threatening at a higher rate than are the drugs.

Aspirin kills about 2,000 people in the US every year and its OTC.

Dr. Taylor
All great replies here. There is a little information about Bute and Banamine Here. For miniatures I would only use Bute under strict supervision of the dosage versus the horses exact weight (no guessing) and only if nothing else would work and I had to. Banamine if you cannot give it IV, give it orally, I will not use it intra muscular.
Unless the horse is in severe pain, neither! Banamine I will only give IV though. I hate banamine paste. For swelling that doesn't seem too killer painful, dexamethasone.

I find systemic therapy to work better than painkillers most times, however, if they REALLY hurt, not just "seem ow-y" I don't bat an eyelash at giving it.

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