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We are now able to go out for drives by ourselves in the field and just walk! Learning more and more about my pony, it's interesting where he's at now. Our drive started out head up, engaged, happy and relaxed. We did some work through some cones I'd set up, then we proceeded to go walk around some round bales out in the hay field. I took a short video of him and then asked him to halt on top of a rise. This has always been his difficulty. I rubbed his but with the handle of my whip, which I've done before to tell him he's not alone and I'm still with him and he can stand still. He fussed and wiggled but eventually stood still for long enough that I could ask him forward again. Big effort... he lurched forwards and then nose to chest right away with his irregular pulling. Ah, stress. He has a way where he pulls just off one shoulder. It feels really disunited and odd. It's been happening less and less often but seems to come up when he's tired or in stress. Makes sense. We worked a bit more on bending and went back to cones to see if he'd come back into relax - which he did a bit, but not all the way. We walked back through the driveway where mom was throwing hay. She gave him some cookies on our way to the tie rail. All in all, still positive progress and more learning for me. I can now put him to at the tie rail and climb in and have him stand, relaxed until I ask him to go.
Progress comes in many forms. Even my mom commented last night how far he's come in 7 months with us. I'm just glad he's been a willing partner.


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My daughter came home from visiting her dad on Saturday. Bless that kid, 10:15 pm, we're heading home and she asks if it's too late to go up and see the horses. Nope, never too late! So we went to find the horses in head lamps and flip flops... lol
Sunday Ali asked if she could try driving Falcor in the field. She's taken the lines in the arena a few times but hasn't ever driven him out in our big field. Well, he's been really solid lately, and she's getting pretty skilled with the lines, so I helped her great ready and away they went together. I took Jasmine out for company. And they did great! At one point, Falcor decided to check out. He over rolls in the bridle, chin to chest, and looks to halt. Just kind of mentally vacates. I suggested Ali swing him back towards Jasmine and see if he'll reengage. And he did! Anytime he'd get to that overwhelmed frame, she'd just circle back to his buddy and he'd check back into the program. It was pretty neat! Maybe not the ideal for moving forward in CDE and competition, but great for his mental health! I'll take it.
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He's a lovely pony. Did you ever see him shown in harness?
I actually had not. I located some pictures of him from his show days with his most previous trainer - not the one in the states he'd been with for a longer time. But I haven't seen any video of him from that time, nor had I seen him in person. I've actually seen very few fine harness classes in my life. He's bred by Light Farms but I haven't been successful in getting a response from them about him.
He was your challenge horse. Think how much your daughter has learned from him.
Ha! Challenge horse as in single animal??! Oh lady, we've had several. He's just the most recent. But yes, it's incredibly rewarding to see him, handle him and work with him now. We've put a lot into him, but it's definitely been worth it. I do believe Ali's learned a lot from the process.
Some big milestones have nothing to do with competition.
At the beginning of the year, I felt really overwhelmed with Falcor. I wasn't sure how long it was going to take to get him to relax and be comfortable driving outside of walls, or if he'd ever get there. But with methodical training and a lot of attention to his physical and mental needs, we've made huge strides - especially lately. In the spring, we started out by attending events, ground driving and observing. Our first venture to CDE grounds, our first show where we ground drove only, and then worked into hitching and schooling with other drivers. On Sunday, we went to a group drive at the local eventing facility and he was wonderful! Felt like he actually enjoyed the activity and adventuring around a new place. I had hoped that he would be confident to take out there, but I wasn't sure we would get there. I'm so proud of him for growing so much!!!

This weekend, we have our first derby. I hope he feels confident to participate there too.

Huge wins!

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Some big milestones have nothing to do with competition.
At the beginning of the year, I felt really overwhelmed with Falcor. I wasn't sure how long it was going to take to get him to relax and be comfortable driving outside of walls, or if he'd ever get there. But with methodical training and a lot of attention to his physical and mental needs, we've made huge strides - especially lately. In the spring, we started out by attending events, ground driving and observing. Our first venture to CDE grounds, our first show where we ground drove only, and then worked into hitching and schooling with other drivers. On Sunday, we went to a group drive at the local eventing facility and he was wonderful! Felt like he actually enjoyed the activity and adventuring around a new place. I had hoped that he would be confident to take out there, but I wasn't sure we would get there. I'm so proud of him for growing so much!!!
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This weekend, we have our first derby. I hope he feels confident to participate there too.

Huge wins!

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Some big milestones have nothing to do with competition.
At the beginning of the year, I felt really overwhelmed with Falcor. I wasn't sure how long it was going to take to get him to relax and be comfortable driving outside of walls, or if he'd ever get there. But with methodical training and a lot of attention to his physical and mental needs, we've made huge strides - especially lately. In the spring, we started out by attending events, ground driving and observing. Our first venture to CDE grounds, our first show where we ground drove only, and then worked into hitching and schooling with other drivers. On Sunday, we went to a group drive at the local eventing facility and he was wonderful! Felt like he actually enjoyed the activity and adventuring around a new place. I had hoped that he would be confident to take out there, but I wasn't sure we would get there. I'm so proud of him for growing so much!!!
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This weekend, we have our first derby. I hope he feels confident to participate there too.

Huge wins!

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I enjoy reading your progress with Falcor. What a wonderful feeling for your success. He is a handsome boy and the picture of you both is priceless.😍
Last night, Falcor went out with another new (to him) driver! My good friend came over to take the lines. She has a pony, same size, very different build, who has recently come back into her life. Her pony was once broke to drive and ride, but it's been several years and he seems to have gotten spoiled in the meantime. So getting hands on different animals and different lines is a great tool for her to be able to help her own pony get back into shape and training. I'm glad to help! And so was Falcor. it was a pleasure to be able to watch him take another driver out. I was thrilled with how relaxed my pony looked, confident in walking and trotting all over the field, wherever they wanted, without feeling overwhelmed at all.
I saw a video of him come up on my facebook memories from a year ago and got to make a really good comparison. And what a difference!!! Worth all the time and effort. I'm so excited for derby this weekend!
Well... we made it!
Our first CDE derby is done and in the books. I'm so happy with my pony. He tried his little heart out and was so brave!
Saturday started with dressage. He warmed up well, seemed really relaxed as our round was into the afternoon, he'd had plenty of time to just chill and observe at the trailer. As soon as we picked up trot and went through the gate, he figured it was fine harness time and he should mentally shut down. He made it through and did end up relaxing some. It's ok that it wasn't perfect because it was a starting point and he got to understand that it wasn't the fine harness ring. He finished with a 66%. Then we went up to cones where we walked most of the course, but drove it cleanly. He didn't stop or tell me he couldn't anywhere. Then we popped over to the 3-obstacle derby course. We had to pick up my friend to gator - first time I've ever driven him with a passenger. Again, we walked most of it and he just went through. We finished on a number, albeit a big one. I don't care. It was a great place to start.
Day 2 we drove in the morning so not as much prep time but it didn't matter. This time, as we passed through the dressage gate, he was with me. A HUGE difference in his test, honestly brought me to tears. Even the judge commented on the incredible change from the day before. He was quite relaxed, with me way more, mostly confident and scored 70%. Up to cones, we trotted most of the course and went through cleanly. Only had one stop at some people sitting by some trees that he wasn't quite sure weren't going to eat him. So I asked them to just say hi and talk to him. As soon as they did, he relaxed and was able to go past without issue. On to derby, we picked up a different gator this time, who is another donkey lady (so awesome!) looking to learn about CDE competitions, and trotted a good majority of that course as well. He was way more confident and trusting that I wasn't going to ask him to go anywhere he wasn't able to be successful.

No ribbons for us, as there were fantastic teams participating, but the biggest winner of the weekend was absolutely me and my Falcor pony. I'm so stinkin proud of what he accomplished!!!

Go Falcor!!!


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So happy for Falcor and you, it’s been said before, the biggest accomplishments aren’t measured in ribbons or points, but in the heart and mind!

You sure have an amazing variety of events up there and love that you share!

Congratulations! 🤩
So happy for Falcor and you, it’s been said before, the biggest accomplishments aren’t measured in ribbons or points, but in the heart and mind!

You sure have an amazing variety of events up there and love that you share!

Congratulations! 🤩
Thank you for cheering us on!!!
What a bad mom... Yesterday was National Hackney Day and I didn't even give Falcor a cookie! I'll make up for it today, I promise.
We've been together for a bit more than a year now and I've grown so fond of my wierdo. He's got a heart of gold, is very proud and loyal. I'm curious to know if he's an oddball or if they're all a little bit like that. He's very devoted to his person. While most anyone can safely take up the lines on him now, not many can catch him in the paddock yet. He's an emotional being and needs to be able to have his feelings honored before taking up tasks. I find, by holding the space and time for that, I've earned his ultimate trust. I'm so proud of the amount of try he has, and how far he's worked to participate in our partnership.

Happy National Hackney Day - a day late.
What a bad mom... Yesterday was National Hackney Day and I didn't even give Falcor a cookie! I'll make up for it today, I promise.
We've been together for a bit more than a year now and I've grown so fond of my wierdo. He's got a heart of gold, is very proud and loyal. I'm curious to know if he's an oddball or if they're all a little bit like that. He's very devoted to his person. While most anyone can safely take up the lines on him now, not many can catch him in the paddock yet. He's an emotional being and needs to be able to have his feelings honored before taking up tasks. I find, by holding the space and time for that, I've earned his ultimate trust. I'm so proud of the amount of try he has, and how far he's worked to participate in our partnership.

Happy National Hackney Day - a day late.
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Handsome boy!

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