Can someone explain the hula hoop in obstacle

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All the shows ive been to i never really paid attention to the obstacle classes
: well this will be kyles first year with his gelding and obstacle. I asked a couple people about the hula hoops and got two different answers. One said the horse has to walk into the hula hoop and stay there so many seconds. Another said they have to put the two front legs in and sidepass around it. Is it one or is it both?? I have to say his over gelding BARELY fits inside the hula hoop LOL. This probably seems like a really stupid question. sorry!
I have seen them used for seperate things

For a ground time where they have to stand inside and not move

for a turn on the forehand

for a turn on the haunches

used to walk thru like tires depends. I've been asked to pivot with the front feet in it (either way), with the back feet in it, to ground tie, and even to put the front or back feet in it and pick it up and pull over the horse's body to the opposite feet. It's up to the course designer.
In the last class we did..the horse has to stand completly IN the hoop and the handler has to walk around the hoop..without the horse leaving it.. :saludando:
From what I have seen of obstacle classes, the course is different every time. Depends on what obstacles the organizers can think of.

I've seen where the horse has to step into the hula hoop and then have it passed over his body and back legs. I've also seen where they step into it with either the front or the back feet and then have to pivot around either clockwise or counterclockwise.
You put your left hoof in

You take your left hoof out

You put your left hoof in

and you shake it all about.....


That's the Hokey Pokey....

The horse has to stand still while the handler hulas in the hoop around the horse.


sorry, couldn't help it.

The hula hoop can be used for lots of things in both halter and driving obstacle. It's basically a place marker.
thanks for your help. Yikes looks like we will just have to practice them all. but im tellin ya an over divsion gelding barely fits in a hula hoop!!
Yes, it is a place marker for pivoting or passing over the body. Different size hoops are used.

Mainly get the horse used to it--stepping into it--back feet are always difficult. Hang it on their neck to desensitize them.

Strangely we have had them use flour for circles and the horses would not go into those circles at all!

You just never know. also tarps, fake flower pots, a piece of plywood to walk over.

Your horse just needs to trust you are leading them safely.

Obstacle is so much fun as every class is different and it is just you and your horse as a team
You put your left hoof in

You take your left hoof out

You put your left hoof in

and you shake it all about.....


That's the Hokey Pokey....


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ...

Suzy Hooper

Show Horses by Suzy

Fresno, CA
thanks for your help. Yikes looks like we will just have to practice them all. but im tellin ya an over divsion gelding barely fits in a hula hoop!!
If I can pull a hula hoop over my shetland mare's head and over the rest of her body, you can do it with a B mini!!
: You just need the big hula hoop not the little ones.
The horse has to stand still while the handler hulas in the hoop around the horse.

Ok now me actually using hte hula hoop in the arena would be more then enough to not only scare my horse but pretty much empty the arena as well
I design obstacle courses for our local mini club and when i use the Hula Hoop dependsing on the age limit...2 & under walk into hoop and stand to count of 10 leave hoop......sometimes they are asked to do a 360 in the hoop.....3& up will do turn on forehand , turn on hauntes, pick up hoop hang on neck walk to cone put down hoop and walk out of hoop , we have even had a tarp put down under the hoop and the horse must step into tarp satnd count of ten then walk out, we also have the 3 & up ground tie in side the hoop while the owner walks around the hoop.......In Driving class' we have had the driver bend over to pick up hoop leaning agaisnt a pole and put it in cart then drop hoop off other side of cart onto and around another pole.....Lots of fun can be had with those hula hoops.
Kaykay I'm practicing the same stuff.

Its getting to the point that I'm affraid the neighbors are going to turn me into the county

for excessive JUNK.

I have tarps on the ground full of water, tarps flapping off the fence, old tires, hoola hoops, pallets turn into "bridges" old logs an old mailbox etc. etc. etc.

And all the while were practicing I have my scary noise tape just a blarring.
Oh my gosh, Lisa, you just made me almost spit my coffee all over. I was thinking the same thing!

No way would Mouse want to see me hula hoop in front of him (not that I can, but the attempt would be HIL-arious!).

I have seen the hula hoop used as a circle for the horse to stand in while ground tied and the handler walks around the horse, as a step through and pivot (but more often than not, it seems a circle drawn in flour on the ground), or the way Carin described where the horse steps in on the front or back legs and the handler picks it up and runs it over the horse's body to the other legs and sets it down, then they continue walking on.

I think in order to practice for obstacle, you really need to spend a lot of TIME with the horse and take them on actual walks to help them learn to trust you and understand that certain items won't hurt them (such as stepping over the white lines on a roadway, or walking over a plywood sheet on the ground, etc. etc. ad nauseum).

One of our clubs in this area had a cage full of chickens as part of an obstacle. I've seen a lot of horses mess up the walkover bridge, too, because they are uncertain.

Have fun getting ready for obstacle class, I think it does sound like fun so maybe that will be something Mouse and I try even though he can be a bit of a drama queen.

You put your left hoof in

You take your left hoof out

You put your left hoof in

and you shake it all about.....


That's the Hokey Pokey....

This is great! I think I will add this to my next obstacle course! :bgrin
Yeah Kay, I've had to have them put their front feet in it, then I had to drop the rope and walk around the horse while they were supposedly 'ground tied' (too bad you missed the IMHOA show two years ago when I did that with skeeter and she decided it was time for liberty class right then. I mean, it must be right? mommy dropped the lead... wooo hooo, can you say 'bat outta heck?' LOL) Mark and Blue did well with that one.

And in one show I had to have the horses four feet in it.

I think basically if you guys practice the feet in, and ground tie, and the sidepassing one, all the others would be a piece of cake if you came up on them in the obsticle classes.
well im practicing with our clubs obstacle course and im telling you he BARELY fits inside the hula hoop when we make him stand in it. I havent tried putting it over his entire body. these are not the big size but i know its what our club uses for shows because i have to bring them LOL.

Marty you crack me up
Maybe Don Ho is supposed to be involved?????

I think, considering Kay's insistance that a hoolahoop isn't gonna fit over his bum, Mr. HO HO has been more involved than Don Ho. LOL

Just teasing, Kay.

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